Robert Cox for New Rochelle Board of Education — Campaign Update

Written By: Robert Cox


Our lawn signs came in and the kids went to work straight away assembling the signs. with the wickets. If you would like a lawn sign for your yard please contact Greg at, give him your name and street address.

My wife, Maria and Jen Parente have been busy preparing for the fundraiser tomorrow. Peter Parente has been getting the American Legion hall squared away. Carlos Sanchez is serving as our entertainment director, coordinating the live performers and serving as DJ.

There are just a couple of days left to request an absentee ballot be mailed to your home. We have been encouraging supporters to vote absentee if there is the slightest doubt as to whether they will be able to vote in person. Even if you vote absentee and are make it to the polls, your vote at the polling place will supersede your paper vote so there is no harm in doing both if you are not sure. If you know anyone at a nursing home, senior center or homebound person who would like to vote bring them an absentee ballot request form.

Absentee1You can download and print a copy of the absentee ballot request form here. All request forms sent through the mail must be received by the School District Clerk by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday May 10th. If you have any questions or need help getting an absentee ballot contact John D’Alois at and he will provide assistance.

The Journal News asked me to complete a form containing a series of questions for their campaign database on You can read my answers here.

I did an interview with Juan Alberto De Jesus of AOL Patch. He asked a number of biography questions and we discussed why I decided to run for the school board and what the first thing I wanted to do once on the board. I told him that there was a unique opportunity this year with two incumbents leaving the board to have a real impact, that I really hoped to find someone else to support but that few people want to take the time to run for election to get a job where you work very long hours, for no pay, and where half the community is upset with you when you make a decision on a tough issue.

WVOX allowed us to put a lawn sign over by their studios.


UPDATE: We got the palm cards too! English y Español.