Bricks Falling from City Hall Cause Dangerous Condition, Employee Entrance Closed Until Further Notice

Written By: Robert Cox

Alexander Tergis.jpg
The Hamilton Avenue entrance to New Rochelle City Hall has been closed due to dangerous conditions. Bricks have been falling from the building. The entrance is closed until further notice.

UPDATE: Answers on the brick issue from DPW Commissioner Alex Turgis:

Talk of the Sound: How did this dangerous condition first become known? When? Did anyone get hurt?

DPW Comm. Turgis:Last Friday small brick fragments were seen on the walkway alerting the Maint. staff of the condition. A quick visual inspection determined the location was just below a window lintel. We inspected the windows and wall along the side of the building with the help of the FD and determined that other windows were in similar condition but no other brick or mortar were loose enough to be an imminent danger. The area under windows showing the worst degradation were cordoned off. No one was hurt.

Talk of the Sound: Has work begun to repair the problem?

DPW Comm. Turgis:Inspection Is being done by a Structural Engineer, and remedial work has begun at his recommendation. We are repairing the critical areas first and then will prepare a larger scale project to inspect and repair all the facades around the building. This will include lintel repair but expect it to be mainly re-caulking and repointing.

Talk of the Sound: When does the City expect to have work completed/re-open that exit?

DPW Comm. Turgis:One to two weeks.