“Getting Results” New Rochelle DPW Cleans Drains on Brookside Place After Recent Flooding

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Last week, on the 23rd of June, Brookside Place and Halcyon Terrace suffered again from continual flooding.
I was contacted personally the evening of the 23rd by my local councilman Jared Rice. Jared expressed his concern and willingness to forward information I had provided including photos to Chuck Strome and others at City Hall.
I would like to make a short follow up to thank Chuck Strome and the DPW personally for dispatching a crew today to clean out the drains in front of my home and elsewhere on our block and addressing the problem quickly. Resolving the issue of flooding in this area will cost millions, but to see today that my concerns prompted a quick response I need to express my appreciation to all those who contributed to something being done.