New Rochelle Little League Hitting A Home Run Since 1952

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NRLL was founded in New Rochelle the year that Harry S. Truman was president, the transistor radio was just developed and the year the Yankees won the 1952 World Series beating the Brooklyn Dodgers. Hopefully that puts a little perspective on how long NRLL has been focusing on community, kids, teamwork and sportsmanship.

The 2011 Opening Day Ceremony’s guest of honor was New Rochelle High School graduate and now pro-football success, Ray Rice. Tocci Field was the center of attention and landmark location for the first pitch and annual ceremony. Organized with heart and soul, NRLL President Richie Perdew and the Little League Board of Directors bring memorable experiences to the lives of youngsters year in and year out. The true meaning of teamwork and characteristics of sportsmanship are the core qualities that every child walks away with. NRLL has a Challenger League for disabled children run by a phenomenal woman, Shelly Klein and her husband Fred. For the past 20 years, children with special needs have been put in the game in New Rochelle as if no disbilities exist at all and smiles continue to fly past the bases. The NRLL organization, Richie Perdew, Rachael DeStasio, Linda and Glenn Hough, Shelly Klein, Louis Goncalves, Jack Caliendo, Lou Miceli and Christine McLean all deserve a big round of applause for keeping this amazing league what it is today.

New Rochelle Little League closed on a high note this season and we are looking forward to another successful year in 2012. It just keeps getting better.

All photos credit Jen Parente