NO PARKING Policy; It is called “generating revenue”

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

During Monday night’s debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters, I stated that I was against the increase in parking fees from 50 cents to a dollar and extending metered parking until midnight in the downtown business district.

Today, I went around to ask more merchants what they felt about the pending changes. As I said during the debate, many merchants are scratching their heads trying to understand this bizarre decision. Some, whose business close at 6PM, are indifferent.
Restaurateurs, especially on Division Street, seemed to support the changes.

Residents are exceedingly angry about extending the metered parking until midnight.

This is a policy disaster for residents and visitors of the downtown area. To have to endure six more hours in which one can receive a ticket while parking downtown is oppressive.

There is a mindset that my opponent and the current council majority share that I cannot consume. It is the term “generate revenue.” I heard it again tonight at the Glenwood Lake Association forum. Our city is in such deep financial straits. And the changes in parking policy are solely for the purpose of creating new streams of revenue. It is not for the purpose of increasing downtown business patronage.

We have the ingredients for a more vibrant and productive downtown area. We have small specialty shops, tea and coffee shops, a college, groceries, diverse restaurants, beauty shops, yoga and exercise facilities. We have good walking traffic at all hours. All we need is a voice on the council that will represent the interests of the residents and merchants. And whose main focus is downtown business revitalization.

I want to be that voice. Vote on Tuesday, November 8.

6 thoughts on “NO PARKING Policy; It is called “generating revenue””

  1. Save our City not Quarters
    There once was a city named New Ro
    Where many a people would once go
    But now there’s a fee
    No more parking for free
    Now business downtown is slow

  2. I agree with Kevin, but don’t forget the residents nearby
    There are some conflicting reasons being given about why the downtown parking rules were changed. Was it because people were using it to park for free as Mr. DiBart said at the Council meeting or is it because Avalon decided to charge for parking as Mr. Hyden said. Either way, I haven’t heard anything about the nearby neighborhoods which already suffer from a severe lack of parking spaces. Help me to understand.

    1. Why don’t they cut expenses and get rid of all meter parking?
      What did DiBart think people were going to use it for if not for the free parking, roller skating?

      Its hard enough to attract people to downtown NR and parking meters are just another reason to avoid downtown NR altogether for most, especially with lots and lots of places offering FREE parking.

      Why can’t city hall cut expenses and get rid of all meter parking? Larchmont uses time limits to keep people from parking all day in the same spot, why doesn’t NR?

      Another problem is that the city allows delvelopers to build w/1 car space per unit. That’s not realistic at all in today’s world. 2 and maybe even 3 parking spaces should be required. I forget which project that was for, but it was recent. The blame can only fall at Noam’s feet for that.

  3. What Restauraterurs
    I can’t wait to find out who and what business are in favor of this change.You said Kevin most were on division street well why don’t they tell there staff to stop parking on the street and while there at it tell there valet staff to stop using street parking to park patrons cars.I hope these places that are in favor of this change speak out this way i for one will no longer dine there.This city and the so called BID do what they want to destroy the downtown.Tell me what has the BID really done oh i know they replaced the store fronts on division street no wonder there in favor of the change to parking they get something and they give something. City Hall at its NORM.

    1. BID has become just another
      BID has become just another taxing jurisdiction that New Rochelle businesses must pay to and deal with.

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