I don’t care who the opponent is, it is time that the ten dollar word using, über elitist, wanna be dictator, but PART TIME MAYOR be taken down from his perch.
Enough is enough. I can laundry list his accomplishments, or lack there of, but his smug egomaniacal, inefficient brand of local political leadership has to end!
This is why term limits need to be a reality. Not only would they free up the specter of political machine partisan politics, they would foster the development of truely independent, not party controlled candidates on both sides of the aisle.
St Paul might have visible warts, that could call into question elements of his character. But I implore you not to take the allegations at face value. Does a star athlete need to be an upstanding father or husband to produce in his arena? And what about Gnome and his private life? Is it as germane as it appears? Or is his utopian existence merely a facade? I could care less!! What I do care about is advancing this city forward. And hope to do so with a changing of the guard.