Members of UFFA Local 273, the union of New Rochelle’s firefighters have announced they will not march in the annual New Rochelle Thanksgiving Day Parade on Saturday November 19th. The decision to boycott the parade came after City Manager Charles B. Strome announced significant staff reductions include 6 firefighters.
“Due to the drastic measures the city has implemented, UFFA will not participate,” said union President Byron Gray.
Gray said firefighters will have a presence at the parade, standing along the parade route with citizens, but will not be protesting.
Referring to the closing of Ladder 12 on Thursday and plans to cut 6 firefighters in the 2012 budget, Gray said the boycott was the result of a “severe decision” which he says has had a tremendous effect on morale throughout the ranks of the department.
The union is not directing their boycott against the New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce, the organizer of the parade.
“This is not about the Chamber,” said Gray. “We respect the good work they do for the businesses in New Rochelle.”
Eli Gordon, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, said he had not been informed that the firefighters would be boycotting the parade.
“It’s really a shame,” said Gordon. “The people really look forward to seeing the firefighters in the parade.”
“I can appreciate their stand but this may be a case of cutting of their nose to spite their face,” added Gordon. “Not participating means not getting the kudos of the people they serve.”
Thank God I’m retired from
Thank God I’m retired from the NRFD. The idiotic statements made here make me cringe. Because the FF union is not participating in the parade THEY’RE the childish ones? What are they, playthings for your children to gawk at like all the useless toys you buy for your children to make up for your poor parenting skills? Pathetic LOSERS!Don’t worry you’ll still have some shiney red trucks(undermanned) to gawk at and make you loved by your bratty kids.
As for the comment about Ernie Horney….he tried to pick up the pieces after Kopy gave away the store and retired with a truckload of gold bullion handed to him by that despicable Ray Kiernan. Get your facts straight. This is what the union gets for sucking up to Kiernan for all these years….he was NOT your friend. He NEVER went to bat for protecting members jobs. What a joke.
Once again it was the 273
Once again it was the 273 and not the FF people made comments on, so go cringe somewhere else.
“playthings for your children to gawk at” no their role models…some one to look up too and one day they want to be them, but with your idiotic statement your one selfish ass of a role-model for a kid that looks up to a fireman, so yeah thank god your retired!
Your name should read Noonewhoknows how to treat kids and be a role model.
Puhleeze….no amount of
Puhleeze….no amount of firefighters on parade could make up for your lack of parenting skills. Is the TG Day parade the one day per year you actually spend with your kids?
Retired and happy living down south, no liberals, low taxes, warm weather, family oriented. Yep, THANK YOU.
“Above you all”….sounds condescending to me, dontcha think?
Oh, BTW, the firefighters ARE the union, dummy.
They should consider cutting at the top….
I believe other options should be explored Such as shared responcibility at the top, Such as one Commissioner for two departments (it was done at the County level with no problems). Another would be, Remove deputy or asst Commissioner post, (I think its projected for DPW but not sure).. Also some creative thinking, possible pay cut for non bargaining unit employees.
It saddens me that Career workers who try so hard to aquire such job especially for the security aspect and then to have the workers and the families world turned upside down. Not to mention, These workers risk their lives for the betterment of this great city.. I wish them well….
It’s all about protecting the chosen few
This budget is all about protecting the chosen few. I just heard Fertel talk about the human side of layoffs and how it effects families. So if I understand the pompus ass, there’s no human side to terminating firefighters, DPW or recreation staff while we continue to employ a communications specialist which is nothimg more then a publicist for Bramson, a sustainaility coordinator, a full-time executive assistant to Bramson who makes as much as the mayor, a politically appointed city clerk for $100K or the security detail at the “servants entrance” to city hall. The private sector deals with business on a priority basis and so should the city. These are all nice people with families but they also have great jobs. Yes thay are great jobs, does anyone believe you could get a job in the private sector making $40K with health insurance and guaranteed retirement with a 8th grade education? The city is advertising for a bus driver for the senior bus which requires a “grade school education” fo $20 per hour. The unions protected the average Joe from tycoons but now the pedulum has swung 180 degrees and unions are out of control.
When all is said and done the city council will break the cap to raise taxes close to 15%. Someone please challenge me on that! Since now, as proposed, the budget represents a 12.8% tax increase / 3,6% proposed and 9.1% from the increased refuse fee.It’s all a shell game to protect the chosen few whether politically connect or part of the city hall gang.
Why do we need a private security firm to sit by the back door of city hall? Can anyone recall a threat to city hall that these people prevented? More importantly, I have walked into city hall many times when these guards were not at their posts. The doors are often unlocked prior to the time thes guards start their shift.
1. Have police officers contribute to the health and retirement benefits like the NRFD and NYS. However, forgo the requirement if the officers live permantly in NR.
2. Have a strong mayor and eliminate the city manager and his 1.5 assistants.
3. Eliminate the civil service department and see if these duties can be performed by the personnel officer or the county/state.
4. Have a 5% paycut for all commissioners, council members and deputy commissioners.
5. Eliminate life long benefits for council people.
6. Have crossing guards work a split shift rather than paying them to sit in their cars during lunch time while the kids are still in school.
7. Have the mayor give back his car.
8. Augment the police dept with the Westchester County Emergency Force during parades and special events to assit with traffic and crowd control. Pelham has been doing this for years just like they use a private sanitation company.
Man With a Plan
Well thats a great Idea! Why didnt any of our councelmen, Mayor, or City manager come up with it? Simple Math, They must of all failed.
Great ideas and the parade.
Very intelligent and seemingly simple ideas Mr Imburgia.I applaud your ideas,every one.
As for the Fire Dept,I attended the parade and saw the Firefighters,proud and very kid friendly today.To everyone who overracted about Fire Dept participation,shame on you for all your negative comments.They were there,the kids were happy,the guys were proud and polite,they are our community.Stand behind your Firefighters,they will always be there for you.When you are desperate and in trouble,you should know that no matter how bad, these guys will probably be the only ones you KNOW who you can rely on.
shame on you for all your negative comments
You need to read the posts, no one here said anything bad to any firemen it was all directed to the union, I can say that we all stand behind the firemen.
I did
I did,maybe you should.One in particular was vulgar and way out of line,cowardice.These guys dont deserve it.The guys are the Union.Happy your with them.
.One in particular was vulgar
I read them all and did not see any, all i see is people picking on the union…The UFFA 273 and not the fire fighters. Once again it was not pointed at any firemen.
And the vulgar one was mind and i stand by it, If the UFFA273 made them not march then i would say it again. Any how it’s over with and the kids enjoyed themselves
The city and Bramson/Strome will threaten to cut things people rely upon the most in order to muscle tax incrases out of people so developers like Forest City Rattner can be given City owned property for free and Bramson can see Echo Bay come to life. The first thing to be cut is always public safety because this is what scares people the most. If you look back at previous budget debates, you will see they pull this ploy every year. Remember too when they threatened to shut down the library if they didn’t get a seperate library tax. Don’t forget the garbage free and the free ride for Avalon while your tax dollars can’t pay for public safety. People are being lied to. Don’t believe it. Cuts can be made elsewhere but the City refuses to consider them because it affects the “wrong” people.
John’s Post
John, you are essentially correct. I think you have the right outcome, but I think the reasons leading to this and other outcomes or projected outcomes, such as Echo Bay are relatively simple to explain. It is because Noam Can…. he has a mandate, a Council which acts somewhat predictably, a City Manager who counts beans and reinforces the mantra, “there is no fat” and mostly, a population that sits back and, unlike what we have seenn in society that appears to work — tea party, Wall Street, other citizen actions favorable or unfavorable, things will pretty much stay status quo unless our government nationally and locally is forced to change, to act, to go back to times when first things were udnerstand by most to be exactly that, and lesser things took a back seat.
Cutting the firefighters and likely, next year the polce is literally picking the low hanging fruit. It doesn’t matter if it represents something that a sizable portion of the population would like to avoid, it is a relatively simple and safe target until something dire or terrible happens in our backyards that force us to ask… why a firefighter and not a finance manaager, why a policeman and not a records manager.
Noam is a very intelligent man and there is absolutely no pressure to operate otherwise. I would think he feel the odds are reasonably good (or he may already know) that Nita Lowey or the proposed Obama Infrastucture Plan will come through and save the day. However, what readers must know is that this is a poor strategy for establihing a steady stete financial position and then proceeding to planned short term, etal growth. It is as bad as placing your revenue bets on increasing fee income and looking down the road for the possible grant or funding relief via membeship items.
We now have a council make-up that precludes change unless the two downtown democratic councilmen sit up and take notice and pay heed to the fact that we lack a foundation to attract investors and new residents unless we fall into old traps like overstuffed incentives. Ivar and Jared must be strong enough to be independent when it counts the most. It was rewarding to see Paul Ryan, the finance brain of the House go against the proposed Amendment for balancing the budget. That would have been a dumb idea and Ryan had the courage to say NO. barry will never depart from he strict party line and its appears that the new District 6 representative will continue the “tale of two cities.”
Chuck Strome has the most difficult job in New Rochelle but that said, he can become particularly annoying when he make promethian pronouncement that there is no fat in the budget. That is not the whole issue. Rattner and Strome can add up a column of numbers, they can factor in contractual obligatons, new mandate costs, projected increases, etc…. in sum, classic accounting ledger practices, but can they literally think outside of the proverbial box? Howard does have to as much as Chuck needs to….
But only the City Council can make this happen. I would expect that individual council members will ask at televised meetings respectfully but firmly, what else did you consider besides laying off firefighers? did you look at reducing our pay? How about a cut in pay for every exempt? How about tabling planned projects not in the critical path and regrettably, letting people assigned to these go instead of someone who may be lying in a burn unit at Jacobi as this is written.
Noam is a fine, decent man, but I don’t think he sees, along with so many, many others, that a new paradigm of management is needed to make our country and all of its constituent parts work again.
Listen to the eminent ecoonomit, Robert Samuelson who said that both parties, both ideologies are to blame for our current situation. “Conservatives like to pretend that budgets can be balanced if we just cut wasteful spending (Amtak, community block grants, farm subsidies, etc. but eliminating these discretionary programs would save less than $100 billion when total spending last year was $3.5 trillion.” “The liberal solution, taxing the rich and cutting defense to the bone, is no less delusional>”
He says a lot more, but you get the point. And it applies here in New Rochelle. Echo Bay may be a good idea, but it is tommorows good idea. It is hard, based on an anlysis on what was proposed and said last year, to see dime one out of this for God knows how long.
I think only two actions can have any impact in New Rochelle especially given the recent mandate at the polls and the unwillingness of people who are upset at how things are turning out, to act and not speak or write.
1. the City Council members must act for the good of the City as well as their districts. I know the major needs and issues rest down my parts. So, I would hope, no actually expect all four city councilmen representing districts 1,2, 3, and 4 to be heard by the voters of tv or the follow on computer rebroadcast by askin questions that the managers of the city manager should be routinely asking. There are alternatives and they must be discussed.
2. “I see the enemy and he is us.” Noam is doing what he sees and thinks is best. Many of us think otherwise. So, perhaps we should respectfully, peaceably, and supportively march in a low key way to each fire house as a show of our support and end up by City Hall to show similar support for our police. It is not crass or without an agenda like Occupy Wall s?treet or vague and somewhat crippling like the Tea Party. It would be focused and people of good will can police themselves.
Perhpas the neighborhood associations, churches an synoagogues, social clubs, whoever and wherever throughout the City can muster up enough support to do this.
Warren Gross’s post ‘John’s Post’
I agree with everything Warren wrote, except for the following:
“The liberal solution, taxing the rich and cutting defense to the bone, is no less delusional”
In itself, that was Warren quoting economist Robert Samuelson.
I believe it is quite necessary, in order to balance the federal budget, to increase taxes on those earning over $500,000 income per year, and by greatly cutting defense (while enhancing VA). Regarding defense, we should first bring our troops home from Europe and Asia (except South Korea), and let their money be spent here rather than abroad, creating support jobs for locals here, rather than abroad, and rebuilding our infrastructure. Ultimately we need to phase out half the military budget.
But other than that issue regarding the federal government, I fully agree with what Warren Gross posted about New Rochelle, its City Council, City Manager, and the effects of and solutions to, our current national/state/local economy.
The economy has not been this bad since the 1930’s, and really should be referred to as the ‘Lesser Depression’.
It is likely the economy will not turn around for a number of years, and that our city government needs to project ten years into the future, regarding future increasing municipal expenses at the same time as future declining revenue. Issuing Bonds now, will have the effect of increasing future municipal expenses, resulting in future reductions of municipal services. Closing a firehouse is irrational and could result in serious disasters, and must be avoided.
Hopefully, the seven members of the NR City Council will work cooperatively, while changing past and current policies, with the continuing and future poor economy in mind. Our city government must avoid grandiose development projects, but rather try to enhance local retail and commerce to provide more jobs and municipal revenue from an improved, viable downtown NR.
It is always a
It is always a pleasure when you respond to my posts. That said, let me say where I think the major problem is. It started at the federal level 30 years ago with Reagan-omics. Thanks to him, many thousands of people in good paying unionized jobs were put out of work in the private. Airlines, utility and trucking companies were all deregulated which led to layoffs, and reduced pay and benefits.
The global economy was next. It allowed corporations to transfer good paying jobs in manufacturing to places like China. Add in now the high cost of energy, and the working stiff doesn’t have two nickels to rub together.
Now look at the State of NY. They have antiquated civil service laws that allow cops and firefighters to negotiate like long pay increase and cadillac benefit packages. That translates into taxes which are passed onto to the working stiff who essentially had his wages cut by federal decision making. In short, higher local taxes and reduced pay for the lucky property owners who have to pay for civil servants.
Strome keeps talking about the “human side” of his budget. Well, here’s the human side. While many private sector workers are losing their homes, going bankrupt and having to cutback on everything to survive, Chucky and Noam are worried about how to fulfill union contracts that will give the police officers several more pay raises. They are worried about keeping firefighters who earn $82,000 a year and work two days a week on staff. They are worried about honoring an unprecedanted 30 year tax abatement with Avalon so a rich developer can get richer. As soon as they bust the tax cap and get the revenue they need, they will, and you mark my words, enter into an agreement with Forest City
that involves giving away over a million dollars worth of real estate with no new revenue projected for years to come.
Noam is not the decent man you think he is. he is a liar and a snake who cares about taking over for Nita Lowey.
Now let me tell you another story. Noam and I were friends until he screwed me. I lived in this City f/t for over 40 years and when I finally had a chance to get a half way decent job with the City, Jeneat Medina and Strome wouldn’t let me take it. Why? Because the civil service commission was breaking the law and estabilishing bogus residency requirements for city jobs without anyone’s knowledge. Essentially, they were making up the rules as they went along. I confronted Stome and his sidekick with this and they, as usual, swept it under the rug and refused to comment on it. Moreover, Noam cut off all correspence with me.
After months of bickering and a costly lawsuit for the city, guess what? Strome admits in aemail to me that the civil service commission wasn’t following the law and he was going to make changes.
Bittersweet, huh?
A decent mayor would have took my complaint and looked into immediately rather playing games and passing the buck. That is what you get for raising a issue with the city and trying to support these characters.
Ron Tocci was right about them and I wouldn’t listen. Oh yeah, I scored number one on the exam for the job I was after and selected off the list. It wasn’t like someone needed to pull strings. All I asked for was for these jokers to explain why the residency rule in the city code wasn’t being followed.
you have given me a great deal to consider and I thank you. Your personal experience distresses me and I need to factor that in with others I am hearing about over the past few months.
Your take on Reagan is interesting and helps to explode the myth of this so called great man. He loved to declare war on little states like Grenada but avoiding the big battle that might have made matters a lot better than they are now. I was happy to see the resounding defeat in Ohio of the Governor’s work to essentially eliminate collective bargaining rights.
John, there are few heroes in all of this. Unions have their own need to realign and readjust and I have made this point often in the past especially concerning what turn out as abuses of power in mandated pension, medical and these damn overtime rules that cripple a community. Then of course we have your spot on examples of exempt or staff positions that are totally unnecessary and should be eliminated during these troubling times.
To me it culminates in a parallel I was attempting to draw between ideologies nationally and their fixed points compared to similar fixed points we faced locally. I think your examples and words make it better than i have earlier.With the latest news that the so called super committee cannot reach anything approaching an agreement, we are left with a broken country and a broken community.
You are a gifted man with positive views and I think it is past time that people living in the rarified air of political cronyism or local politics realize that real people, with meaningful and often painful backgrounds and experience are the strength of this community and not the smug, complacent pols like “bicycle barry.”
Again, I call to those remaining council men such as jared, louis, al, and now Ivar to read the future in the context of what we once were as a people and act for the greater good. I will close by repeating something I wrote earlier to Doug Gray on a post. Essentially it is you must also understand that there are parts of your agreement with the City that require reconsideration and so does your counterpart in the NRPD. That said, it is even more incumbent on Chuck Strome and his chain of command, up and down, to understand basic economics and even more basic human needs.
It is also up to us to make ourselves clearly but respectfully known. There have too many instances where the John Imburgia’s of our society have suffered while the Richard Organisiciak’s have prospered.
It is going to change!
Thank you John for sharing your story and your wise counsel. And, Brian, keep posting and talking to your folks. As Bob Cox recently said, in paraphrase, every little contribution makes am impression, and I add that it will be sustained if it for the common good and not self interest.
You are indeed a
You are indeed a gentleman and I thank you for thekind words.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Fire Dept will roll in the parade
Just to clear things up the Fire Dept WILL be in the parade. No worries to the children who look so forward to seeing the lights and hearing the sirens of the fire engines and trucks.
As for the closing of Ladder 12. I guess the signs did work. The citizens of the west end and the south side probably had no idea that due to the closing of Ladder 12 that there closest truck company was either Harrison St. or North Ave. The average person probably has no idea of the roll of a first due truck company. I’ll sum it up. In fire conditions truck companies cunduct an immediate search of the fire floor to remove any trapped victims conscious or unconscious. To me this a pretty important roll to play in saving a life. Now take that truck and delay it by 9 minutes, alot can happen in 9 minutes. For instance fire doubles in size every minute. Time is not on your side.
So to think that Local 273 is out of line that’s fine everyone is entitled to there opinion. We did not ask to be put in this position. The city put us here.
Local 273 was out of line
Local 273 was out of line when it came to the kids, and to use them for a message was dead wrong!
Now for the nine minutes…you are 100% right! But that’s on bumson hands as he can control time and tell the press it was only a few minute to respond even though the fire chief and 60 control said it was nine minutes. It will have to take a fire that kills many to get the point of the layoffs and that’s the saddest part and lets pray to God that it doesn’t come to that.
But let’s look at the good side of things, the council will still get there 33,000 a piece and what ever bumson makes.
Now I asks all of you that didn’t agree with the lay offs to turn you back on the Mayor and the city manager and the city council at the not so Thanksgiving parade. They do not deserve any thanks at all!…. their the ones that shouldn’t be walking in the parade.
Bramson salary over 90K PLUS benefits
Bramson makes over $90,000 PLUS health insurance and guaranteed retirement for his part-time position as ceremonial mayor. If you don’t believe the mayor’s position is a part-time position check TOTS archives, Cox posted Bramson’s personnel form signed by Bramson, Strome and the city clerk which has the PART-TIME box checked. So sorry I forgot to mention that our PART-TIME CEREMONIAL mayor also receives a Sport Utility Vehicle with 24-7 free usage. Bramson pays no fuel, insurance or vehicle costs.
Cut the part-time position back to the $60,000 that Idoni rammed through, forego the SUV and at the very least make Bramson pay for benefits and there’s one firefighter saved. If Bramson were truly concerned about the city he boasts about this would be a no-brainer but when Bramson speaks about sharing the pain he means everyone but himself.
Feeling unappreciated
For clarification sake it is my understanding that on duty apparatus and manning will participate in the parade. I apologize if our associations absence may be construed as a let down. You can be sure we were looking forward to the festivities. However, the abrubt shutdown of L12, a critically manned apparatus that responds first due to the west end and southside, and the announcement of layoffs literally days after an election, not to mention on our 150th anneversary of service to this city, is disappointing to say the least. It has turned out to be a sad day for us.
Shades if Horny
This brings back memories of the tactics used by past president Horny. It was exactly this type of in your face tactic that lost the health insurance coverage for retirees. The union should really rethink this decision before it’s too late. While I wish it were different most authorities don’t react positively to line drawn in the sand. Disappointing the children and families of New Rochelle by having Santa end the parade riding a garbage truck will not bode well for the NR Fire Department moving into budget negotiations.
Fire Union is clueless
Whomever is calling the shots for the fire fighters union hasn’t got the first clue about public relations and politics. The decision to boycott the parade may be the worst idea I’ve ever heard. What will they gain? Nothing. What will they lose? Respect.
I Urge the NRFD to Reconsider
I would urge the NR Firefighters to reconsider. Your demonstration in front of Talners did nothing toward achieving your goal and this proposed boycott will fail just as miserably. This parade has always been about children & families the very people you are sworn to protect so don’t take it out on them.
You catch more flies with honey then vinegar so give families a break during this holiday season kickoff and it will return ten-fold in supporters for a 2012 budget that keeps the NRFD at levels NR can live with until the recession ends.
I suggest you have supporters work the crowd with a petition gathering signatures to save the positions slated for termination and the immediate return of Webster Ave. & Ladder 12.
Nice take it out on the kids
Nice…. take it out on the kids! Mr Byron Gray can go screw him self with this back fire attempt, I think union President Byron Gray should march by him self just so the kids can give him the finger!
And now when i look at UFFA i will think of “U Freaking F****** AS******”
I like firemen, but i don’t like childish unions
You might want to direct some
You might want to direct some of that anger towards Bramson.
If he didn’t release the budget for a few more weeks, this all could have been avoided.
Your Right 5guy
Fifth Ave Guy your right and it would be my right to give him the finger while he smiles his flat skinny ass down North Ave, but I will be the better person here and give him both!
I needed that! lmao right
I needed that! lmao right now. I’d like to see that.
The firehouses are open everyday so that the parents can bring there kids in not just to look at the fire trucks but they can interact with the firefighters that put their lives on the line everyday. The firefighters aren’t the bad people here. The citizens of New Rochelle are just getting the wrong information again……..
not paid enough
Bad enough they have to suffer through cuts. They shouldn’t have to walk in a parade. What are they making, maybe $40k per year? You want them to save lives and be mascots?
Lets level the playing field
You need to check the salaries again. 40k may be the starting salary but department average is north of 75k. The 40k does not take into account benefits or overtime which they are entitled to but let’s level the playing field. The NRFD is getting screwed but please don’t skew the facts in an attempt to strengthen their case, it’s strong enough on the merits.
Bad Move!
This is not a good move by the fire department union.Think about the kids they love the Engines and Ladder trucks. I do not agree with what the city is doing to the Fire Department but this parade is for families and children maybe some kind of protest outside of city hall or a march of some kind is better
Maybe Noam & Chuck could fill
Maybe Noam & Chuck could fill in & drive a couple of fire trucks down the parade route?
I hear Ladder 12 is available for them to use.
Noam couldn’t operate a Hess
Noam couldn’t operate a Hess toy truck
How much will we save in Fuel? At least $1000.00
Aren’t those in the parade paid?
How insuling is the sign, placed in front of the Webster Ave Station. ( Ladder 12 Closed Your life is at risk ) Placed on the sidewalk illegally! With dumbels holding it down. Classless! The building department should have them take it down.
Citizen observer,official city JACKASS
Hey know it all,where did that $1000 fuel estimate come from? I guess its 20 gallons to the mile.No, those in the parade do it on their OWN time,in other words know it all,they come from home on their day off.So the sign is insulting,how about the way these guys are treated,you could care less.As for the signs,they are placed on private property with full support of the property owner.They are professionally made and set in buckets of sand,not dumbells,dumbell.You are whats wrong,you could care less,but when you need them,I’m sure you’ll call.I cant express enough YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can say that because you gave the proof with your asinine no proof to back up comments.You probably live in an apartment and have no idea what taxes are.
This is a joke, right?
I have no clue how the NRFD will be able to function with 6 men down. I don’t know about anyone else, but I hear the fire trucks sound at least 2-3 times EVERYDAY. What a slap in the face to both NR residents and the firemen. NR government is doing us no favor either because after losing 6 firemen, watch how high our home owners insurance goes up when we all renew our policies. Seriously, it makes me sad, but everyday I think I may no longer be able to live here. I “love” NR for what it once was, but I almost feel as if I pay 15k+ in taxes a year for what? I might as well move to Queens or Throggs Neck and pay 1/3 the price. What a shame the NR government for the past 15 years has truly destroyed an entire “city”. (we re no longer a suburb)
YES, in fact, everyone’s
YES, in fact, everyone’s homeowners insurance will go up. More than the lousy 3 cents per day to keep those 6 guys on duty.
you will have to pay
By cutting manpower and apparattus the Department’s ISO rating will definetly drop causing an increase in insurance premiums.An ISO rating is based on many things such as hydrant locations,amount of men on the scene within a certain amount of time and also apparatus on scene.It is obvious that already being short, there will be no way to adhere to the standards.This will certainly change once the dept is audited.You are not supposed to know this but its a cold hard fact.You will pay alot more than 3 cents a day.
you will have to pay
By cutting manpower and apparatus the Department’s ISO rating will definetly drop causing an increase in insurance premiums.An ISO rating is based on many things such as hydrant locations,amount of men on the scene within a certain amount of time and also apparatus on scene.It is obvious that already being short, there will be no way to adhere to the standards.This will certainly change once the dept is audited.You are not supposed to know this but its a cold hard fact.You will pay alot more than 3 cents a day.
Off duty members march in the
Off duty members march in the parade on their own time, the city does not pay them.
Maybe you SHOULD be asking why the city wants all those vehicles going down the street, burning diesel fuel? THAT, we probably could agree upon.
The city has no problem “showcasing” the FD, all the while plotting to cut their manpower. UNDERHANDED and DESPICABLE.