Democratic Legislators Urge Republican Colleagues to “Accentuate the Positive”

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

White Plains, NY – In the warm-hearted spirit of Valentine’s Day and the need to focus on the issues that matter most to Westchester residents, Democratic caucus members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL) urged their Republican colleagues to work together in collaboration, and to abandon their partisan whining and embarrassing displays of faux shock and exaggerated indignation.

At last night’s regular meeting of the BOL, members unanimously approved a bond act to pay for helicopter engine inspections that will maintain the high level of service presently afforded to residents and business owners by the Westchester County Department of Public Safety’s Aviation Unit. More than ever before, local law enforcement agencies around Westchester communities are calling the Department of Public Safety Department for aerial assistance, which necessitates greater use of the county’s two helicopters.

“This is an important step toward keeping the county’s Public Safety helicopters fully prepared and operable in any circumstance, which will benefit all of our communities,” said BOL Majority Leader Peter Harckham (D-Katonah). “From 2009 to 2011, the Aviation Unit responded to 6081 requests for service. Ensuring this high level of preparedness, especially in the need of emergencies, is indicative of what the Board of Legislators does regularly in terms of setting policy and approving funding—and this is what we should be communicating to the public. It’s time to let the partisan bickering go.”

“I’m proud of what this Board has accomplished, and the Republicans on this Board should be too,” said Vice Chair Lyndon Williams (D-Mount Vernon). “We’ve taken a fiscally responsible approach to spending, provided tax relief to our residents and encouraged job growth. We’re on the right track—and that is what we should be focusing on.”

The details and supporting analysis of an Acquisitions and Contracts Board resolution that will authorize Westchester to enter into a project with the New York Power Authority that will include $10 million in equipment renovations (with $3.3 million in additional financing) at the Yonkers Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant—an action that will potentially save Westchester taxpayers millions of dollars—is deserving of such focus and cooperation from both sides of the aisle, Williams noted.

“Our county is facing real challenges,” said Majority Whip MaryJane Shimsky (D-Hastings-on-Hudson). “It’s time for us to put aside our differences and continue our efforts to benefit the people of Westchester.”