NR Democrats a Disgrace

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Tomorrow night the NR Democrats will continue their steamrolling of the dejected duo (Trangucci & Tarantino). Tomorrow night the NR Democrats will vote to bond $600,000 for the design phase of moving the city yard to Beechwood Avenue. What’s curious is that a mere three years ago the same design phase was proposed with a $2,500,000 price tag. I would like City Manager Strome & Mayor Bramson to explain the math process used to derive this. There is no logical reason for this except that Strome & Bramson were trying to pull a fast one three years ago. This time Bramson will railroad this bond issue through and shortly thereafter-another $13,000,000 bond to construct the new city yard on Beechwood Avenue. Bramson is fast tracking the city yard because he can. Once the New Rochelle Democrats, led by Bramson, achieved a super-majority on council there will be no way of stopping their out-of-control spending. Bramson has created new positions like a sustainability coordinator and focused on bike paths while two of the last three proposed budgets included termination of first responders, New Rochelle Firefighters.

Now Bramson has a new focus, which will surely save firefighters, increase revenue and attract new businesses to downtown. Bramson will propose legislation to change New Rochelle’s animal husbandry law. You may remember this law was originally approved to rid New Rochelle of two horses legally maintained in the north end. A Bramson donor did not like the horses so abracadabra legislation abolished this practice. What was very strange was the fact that on 99% of all legislation any existing situations are grandfathered in but in this case the horses had to go. Now back to the animal husbandry law change. Bramson has moved as a discussion item his intention to propose legislation that allows citizens to raise and keep hens, yes I said hens as in female chickens, for the private consumption of eggs and meat. In other words, Bramson wants to authorize personal slaughterhouses. This is a major problem with the purely political Bramson/Democratic administration. They have no shame in adopting legislation to satisfy political friends and donors. They govern for the benefit of the favored few as opposed to the common good.

New Rochelle exiled horses from its borders, then New Rochelle achieved national disgrace over pigeons pooping on lawns and now chickens become the cluck of the town.

One thought on “NR Democrats a Disgrace”

  1. NR Democrats will bankrupt New Rochelle
    I believe the study to determine moving the city yard was paid for by Forest City so did anyone expect the study to determine it would be cheaper to rehabilitate the current yard? If history teaches us anything the major screw-up which is labeled “The Flying Nun” (City Court/Police facility) should teach us that rushed projects to favored developers bite us in the A$$ in the long run. The Court/Police Facility has had the front concrete staircase replaced, the HVAC system has failed repeatedly requiring revamping, the netting in the police range required replacing and the windows leak. Fool me once shame on you , fool me twice………

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