After Many Years, New Rochelle Board of Education Still Unable to Find Qualified Candidate for Six-Figure Director of Security Position

Written By: Robert Cox


After years of trying, the New Rochelle Board of Education has once again failed to identify a single person with a security background to take the six-figure position of Director of Security for the New Rochelle Public Schools.

The board tonight will consider Draft Resolution No. 12-243 to authorize Schools Superintendent Richard Organisciak to submit a waiver request for Bruce Daniele to the New York State Civil Service Commission Pursuant To Retirement And Social Security Law Section 211.

According to the resolution, joint recruitment efforts by the School District and the City of New Rochelle Civil Service Commission have failed to produce any other qualified candidates who are not also retirees who would require waivers pursuant to §211.

As a result, the members of the board will endorse the claim “there are no qualified non-retired persons readily available for recruitment” and allow Daniele to continue to rack up his full police pension, along with his full six-figure salary, benefits, overtime and coaching stipends that, combined, make Daniele one of the highest paid public employee in New York State.

See also, New Rochelle Commissioner Turns Blind-Eye to “Gangster Mentality” in Police Department’s High-Stakes Fantasy Football

In 2009, Talk of the Sound wrote New Rochelle Board of Education Passes Phony 211 Waiver Resolution

The criteria laid out in the resolution do not comport with the Post-October 7, 2008 Statutory Criteria for 211 Waivers because the district has not prepared a detailed recruitment plan for these positions or undertaken extensive recruitment efforts. The district has not demonstrated that there is an urgent need for their services. The vacancies they filled are not unplanned, unpredictable, or unexpected nor are thee appointments being treated as non-permanent as they appear to be the final filling of the position. It is hard to imagine in the current job market there are NO available, qualified non-retirees.

What was true then is true now and yet the New Rochelle Board of Education along with Schools Superintendent Richard Organisciak, Civil Service Commissioner Domenic Procopio, City Manager Charles Strome and Mayor Noam Bramson continue to endorse fraudulent §211 waivers for Bruce Daniele.

You can read more about §211 on the New York State Department of Civil Service website.

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