New Rochelle Veterans Join The St. Patrick’s Day Parade In NYC 2012

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

New Rochelle Veterans proudly marched in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in NYC. There were more than just Irish eyes smiling under gorgeous blue skies this St. Patty’s Day.  New Rochelle VFW Post 439 along with the American Legion Post 8 and The Catholic War Veterans all put their walking shoes on and marched through  sea of green flowing from 44th to 86th street celebrating Irish heritage. New York City’s St. Patricks’ Day parade has notably been the longest running parade in history,  this year marking it’s 251st year.  Special recognition was made honoring our men and women of our military.  Veterans from all branches of our armed forces were paid tribute to as the colors of Ireland meshed proudly with our red white and blue.   There was amazing enthusiasm throughout the entire 42 block parade route.  As the veterans walked by, the crowds roared “USA…USA…USA”,  leaving a profound sense of patriotism and pride for our military.  Proudly marching were the family members of Long Island resident and Navy Seal, LT Michael Murphy.  LT Murphy, USN lost his life in Afghanistan fighting for our freedom and was later awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Following in step and in uniform, the NYFD carried 343 American flags representing the victims of 9/11.  A solemn reminder and statement for those we lost that tragic day.

Grand Marshal of the parade was NBC Executive Francis X. Comerford. chosen due to his dedication and work bringing an international profile to the parade.  Among the many dignitaries and special guests in attendance this year, Cardinal Timothy Dolan stood in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and very kindly greeted and welcomed passers by, interacted with the media and  numerous young people who were enamored to be near him.  When you think about a parade, you tend to automatically think of floats and fancy automobiles. What sets the St. Patrick’s day parade apart from any other parade in NY is that they strictly prohibit floats and cars and  focus only on  Police and Fire Depts., marching bands, Military and civic groups thus making it one of the most unique parades in the entire world.  The day brought enthusiasm and excitement and luck of the Irish to New Rochelle Veterans. New Rochelle surely had a day to remember this St. Patrick’s day.