Crime Awareness – New Wave of Crime in New Rochelle

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you may be asked to commit a crime or have already commited one. do not participate in community stalking/mobbing!

Were you given unsolicited malicious information about someone you never met and told they were under investigation and needed monitoring?

Were you asked to follow a person to see where they are going, what they were doing and how much money they were spending?

Were you asked to wait outside a person’s home or wait at a person’s vehicle to alert others of when they leave and/or arrive?

Were you asked to take photos of a person you never met?

Were you asked to ostracize, be rude or refuse services to a person because they are a criminal or terrorist?

Were you told to befriend an individual to gather personal information (phone number, email address, home address, and more) to provide to others.

Were you asked to go in a person’s apartment without consent to add surveillance or asked to add surveillance to your own house or business to watch an individual?

Were you asked to open and go through all personal mail and information?

Were you asked to listen in phone calls because the person needed monitoring?

Were you asked to search a person’s car, home, handbag, briefcase, office for information and then give the information to others?

Were you asked to deliberately mob at target, create mishaps or complications or divulge a target’s information in public?

Were you offered a reward, money, free rent, additional income, employment to become a perpetrator of organized stalking?

Were you asked to not consider an applicant for employment, fire an employee, begin steps to termination due to stories and rumors about an employee/potential employee?

Were you asked to add surveillance to a personal computer?

Do not participate in the problem.

Be a part of the solution

If you have been asked to participate in organized stalking by anyone even if they claim to be law enforcement or a government official

Report This Crime
New Rochelle DA/914-813-5800 or New Rochelle Police 914-654-2327

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