We must stop George Latimer from going to state senate!!!

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Why would anyone vote for this guy Latimer?

He lifted New Rochelle’s property tax cap in his first term on office!

He voted against Gov. Cuomo’s state-wide property tax cap!

He tried to sneak through legislation in the final week of session in June 2010 to allow the armory to be knocked down – without notice to public! (As a matter of fact, it was this website that got the word out).

He failed to vote YES or NO last week on pension reform because he ran out of chambers just before the vote! He betrayed both sides of debate!

He is a rubber stamp vote for left wing Democrat Speaker Sheldon Silver!

When he was a county legislator, taxes and spending skyrocketed!

He has been in office for 25 years…isn’t that enough? Let’s say goodbye to George Latimer in November.

Vote for Bob Cohen!

3 thoughts on “We must stop George Latimer from going to state senate!!!”

  1. Armory
    I can’t imagine any veteran would vote for Latimer after he tried to pass legislation to knock down the New Rochelle Armory.

  2. Latimer’s County Property Tax Increases
    Did you know that George Latimer voted for the highest property tax increases in the history of Westchester:

    Call the county legislature and check and you will see that Latimer voted YES on the following two county budgets:

    County Budget 2003 – Property Tax Increase of 14.9%
    County Budget 2004 – Property Tax Increase of 18.8%

  3. From Bob Cohen
    Statement from Bob Cohen for State Senate on
    Assemblyman Latimer’s Entry into Race

    March 19, 2012

    “We welcome Mr. Latimer into this race, but find it head-scratching, frankly, that he would bring up property taxes in his announcement. Westchester families pay the highest property taxes in America because of what George Latimer did as a county legislator and as an assemblyman. He and the other career politicians are directly responsible for the staggering property taxes Westchester families pay today. On top of that, Mr. Latimer voted against last year’s historic property tax cap vote and he went MIA for Governor Cuomo’s pension reform vote last week that will ease costs on local governments. We look forward to discussing all these issues at length throughout this campaign.”

    — Bill O’Reilly, spokesman, Bob Cohen for State Senate

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