Dear Blabby: When Was the Last Perfect Game in New Rochelle Little League?

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

DearBlabbyDEAR BLABBY: Many years ago (over 50) Tom Pugliese pitched a perfect game for the Jets in the New Rochelle Little League. Are there records to show whether anyone else pitched a perfect game since? I am very interested. Thanks in advance if you send me any response.

DEAR VERY INTERESTED: New Rochelle Little League will celebrate its 60th Anniversary this year. Richie Perdew has been involved with New Rochelle Little League for many of those years. Richie recalls a Mike Pugliese and believes he knows the Tom Pugliese you are asking about.

Unfortunately, according to Richie, the New Rochelle Little League does not keep official records of Perfect Games. He says that while he cannot say for sure he believes there may have been perfect games but cannot recall one in recent memory. In either case, they are few and far between.

On a related note, Frank Miceli, the “Home Run King” is reported to have hit the first home run at Tocci Field.

To get answers to your questions about New Rochelle, write Dear Blabby at or Talk of the Sound, Downtown Bureau, 234 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801.