The Easter season is upon us and even Broadway is resonating this year with productions of Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar. Both of these plays reflect on the life of Jesus and his death and resurrection from the dead.
Christians everywhere are taking pause in their busy lives to reflect and remember the ultimate sacrifice Jesus Christ made to save all mankind and to offer all eternal salvation. In the Byzantine liturgy (of the Bible, part 1) we are told Christ rises from the dead. By his death and subsequent resurrection to life he has ultimately conquered death and given life to those that had passed away. Christ’s resurrection is both a mystery and a real event. The “manifestations” of this event were historically verified. It is a common bond for all who believe in Christ.
This feast often coincides with the Jewish feast of the Passover because Christ’s last supper took place with his twelve apostles at a Passover dinner. In Christ’s time Jews were celebrating their killing of a lamb after God brought the people of Israel safely from Egypt. God had sent a terrible plague on the Egyptians, the last of which destroyed the oldest son of each family. But God helped the Israelites to escape this death by telling them to sacrifice a lamb and put its blood on their door post. Then the angel would “pass over” the house and their first born would not die.
At the present time, in some years, this Passover celebration still coincides with the Christian celebration on Holy Thursday commemorating Christ’s last supper. However, in 525 Easter Sunday was set as the Sunday after the full moon which follows the 21st of March. This results in an Easter Sunday which is celebrated from March 22 to April 25.
Christians of many denominations acknowledge Jesus Christ’s coming as an undeniable truth in their faith. Christ’s life is a central belief and a testament to their faith which began with the first Christian community and has continued through the ages. At Easter the importance of baptism in the life of Christians is reinforced by the renewing of the Baptismal vow and welcoming of converts to the religion.
The familiar hymns such as Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Victimae Paschali Laudes), Ye Sons and Daughters of the Lord and Jesus Christ is Risen Today, will ring out and the church bells will chime in recognition of this most important day in Christian religions. All Christians are beckoned to come to celebrate with their congregations and be blessed on this day.
Father Martin Biglin, Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Church in New Rochelle and also Vicar of the Sound Short Vicariate of Westchester, stated: “Every Christian should go to a church during Holy Week and Easter to renew their faith, hope and love of the Lord. Certainly Jesus’ resurrection at Easter reminds us of our call to Heavenly life. We are not here on Earth forever but we will be forever in God’s love in Heaven. We extend a special invitation to our young adults and youth. ”
In the April 5 issue of the Westchester Guardian
Happy Easter!!
That’s the one when Jesus fed an entire village with a single package of Peeps, right?