The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has pushed back the completion date for its electronic security program by another two years
until 2014, putting the program nearly six years behind its original scheduled completion date, according to a progress report released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.
In February 2012, the MTA completed all of the projects planned under Phase 1 of the capital security program, begun in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001, with the notable exception of the electronic security program. This program has encountered numerous setbacks and is now expected to be completed in June 2014 at a cost of $516 million, nearly double original estimates. The MTA has completed two of the 16 construction projects slated for Phase 2 of the program, but it intends to defer six projects due to lack of funding.
“While the MTA’s capital security program has taken far longer and cost more than planned to complete, the regional transit system is more secure and the public better protected today,” DiNapoli said. “Further security improvements are needed and finding the necessary resources must be a priority for the MTA.”
The MTA and Lockheed, the primary contractor of the electronic security program, are currently in litigation to determine who is at fault for the problems in implementing the program. Even though the program is far behind schedule, the MTA and the New York City Police Department are utilizing the parts of the system that are operational. The MTA expects the electronic security program to be fully operational at three of its four operating agencies by June 2012.
While the Comptroller’s report does not reveal detailed information on individual projects for security reasons, the report notes that the MTA has hardened 17 critical infrastructure facilities such as bridges, tunnels and stations to make them better able to withstand the impact of explosive devices. In addition, perimeter protection had been enhanced at five major facilities. Fire, life and safety improvements have been completed at 16 facilities, including tunnels and stations. Operational initiatives including enhanced police patrols, baggage inspections and public awareness programs have been implemented with the cooperation of other stakeholders.