New Rochelle Fire Department at Holy Name Church for Fire Truck Blessing and Communion Breakfast

Written By: Robert Cox

The Holy Name Society of the New Rochelle Fire Department held its sixth annual communion breakfast at Holy Name Church in New Rochelle on Sunday. On hand was retired Fire Chief Ray Kiernan and current Fire Chief Lou DiMeglio along with many current and retired members of the New Rochelle Fire Department. Captain Andy Sandor served as the organizer of the event.

After mass, Father Bigelin, chaplain for the New Rochelle Fire Department and monsignor at Holy Name Church, led a blessing of the fire department’s newest vehicle, Engine 21. Deacon Carmine and Chief DeMelgio joined Father Bigelin in blessing the fire truck.

Parishioners were invited to join the fire fighters at their communion breakfast in Halligan Hall afterwards.

2 thoughts on “New Rochelle Fire Department at Holy Name Church for Fire Truck Blessing and Communion Breakfast”

  1. This engine
    Does anyone know if this engine was the one bought by capelli for the trump building?

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