To Bob Cox and Readers

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

The issue of corruption in the Family Court is a serious one. Obviously Citizen Observer is someone connected with the Courts, DA’s or County Attorneys Office or some bureaucratic entity and not acting in an individual single citizen capacity.

Citizen observer- although you are entitled to your opinion of the family court. You cannot form an opinion on my case – You are in no position to judge whether I received a fair trial or not. Since you are not an expert in due process, civil procedure, CPLR, the family court act, judicial conduct, procedural and constitutional law etc. your don’t qualified nor are you in any position to make an accurate assessment of the proceedings I was involved in. You cannot speak with authority in this matter.

I have proof and witnesses backing my claims. Apparently there are many readers who have first hand experience with family court it’s injustices and the corruption we’re uncovering. The family courts are self serving – have failed and need an overhaul.


One thought on “To Bob Cox and Readers”

  1. talk on the air!
    Bob’s live on the air right now, if you want to talk about this!


    call in!

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