Lexington Center for Recovery, a non-profit, substance abuse, treatment center, has launched a Problem Gambling Treatment Program through the auspices of Westchester County. The treatment site is located at 3 Cottage Place in New Rochelle.
Lexington Center for Recovery offer comprehensive and innovative out-patient and aftercare services, in assisting persons, and their families, suffering from the devastating effects of compulsive gambling.
“Ultimately, we want to do more than just treat the addiction; we want to show the addicted person, through education and therapy, how to live life on life’s terms. At the Lexington Center for Recovery, we help the individual and their families find balance and make positive life choices in order to establish a healthful existence” Rod Correa, gambling counselor.
For further information, contact Rod Correa: New Rochelle, NY at 914 235-6633, ext 1520 or Mount Kisco NY at 914 666 6740 ext 125.