Lighting in the New Roc and Intermodal Transportation Center Parking garages will soon be replaced by LED lighting, a change that will greatly reduce the cost of energy to the City as well as maintenance.
With the new installation, energy use will be cut from about 1.9 million killowatt-hours to about 1.1 million killowatt hours, or about 60%. Futhermore, because LED lights are more durable and longer-lasting than traditional bulbs, maintenance and replacement needs will diminish. Annual energy cost savings are projected to be $160,000. Because the project is funded by a loan from the New York Power Authority, initial net savings will be reduced by the terms of the City’s loan repayment.
During years 1 through 7, the City can expect to save between $5,000 and $25,000 per year, depending on interest rates. For the remaining 20 year lifespan of the new lights, the City will receive the full financial benefit of reduced energy use. In all, taxpayers will save approximately $2 million.
Noting that this project was amont a number of initiatives recommended in GreeNR, New Rochelle’s Sustainability Plan, Mayor Noam Bramson said, “This is a win-win from an environmental and energy-savings standpoint. And at a time of fiscal challenge, it is especially important for us to pursue every opportunity for efficiency.”
LED Lighting
I wonder what Circle D Electric charged for installation of the lights and light fixtures. According to the city manager the lights have a 20 year lifespan. Who will be around to check that out!