Three New Rochelle Men Arrested Following Riot at Glen Island Park

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

CityIslandSummerArrestsNEW ROCHELLE, NY — Three New Rochelle men were arrested at Glen Island on Sunday night after they caused a disturbance inside the county park.

Two of the men were charged with Inciting To Riot, a misdemeanor, after they attempted to urge others in their group to attack two Westchester County police officers police officers who were making an arrest. A large crowd gathered and multiple police officers from the Department of Public Safety, the New Rochelle Police Department and other neighboring communities responded to the park to help control the crowd.

The incident began at 6 p.m. when two Westchester County Police officers on bike patrol came upon a group of people who were playing music too loudly. When officers asked for the music to be lowered, a man in the group became disruptive and began yelling and cursing.

That man, Candelario Sandoval, 40, of Chauncey Avenue was told that he would have to leave the park because he was causing a disturbance. When he refused to comply, he was placed under arrest. As he was being handcuffed, he urged the crowd in Spanish to attack the officers to prevent his arrest.

Two other men were arrested when they attempted to prevent the officers from handcuffing Sandoval. One of them is also accused of trying to incite the crowd to violence.

Sandoval was charged with Inciting to Riot, Obstruction of Governmental Administration 2nd Degree and Resisting Arrest, misdemeanors.

Antonio Mendoza, 36, of Union Avenue was charged with Inciting to Riot, Resisting Arrest, Obstruction of Governmental Administration 2nd Degree and Disorderly Conduct, a violation.

Gustavo Oceguera, 32, of Washington Street was charged with Resisting Arrest, Obstruction of Governmental Administration 2nd Degree and Disorderly Conduct.

The three men were booked at county police headquarters in Hawthorne and released on bail pending an Aug. 23 appearance in New Rochelle City Court.

22 thoughts on “Three New Rochelle Men Arrested Following Riot at Glen Island Park”

  1. Can’t wait…
    It is no revelation that Police are absolutely known to abuse their power and, yes, escalate problems into big fiasco’s!

    Can’t wait to get outta here!

    What in the world has happened to New Rochelle????

    1. Riot Arrests
      If the rowdy men in the park had any respect for themselves, they would respect the rights of others to use the public park in peace. Unfortunately, when segments of the community have no respect for themselves ~ or others ~ police have to intervene. It’s much easier to shout “racism” and “police abuse of power” than to look at one’s own bad behavior and ask, “Is it possible that I could be nothing more than a parasite in my adopted country? Is my complaint of bad treatment legitimate? Why would I think I have a right to treat the public park like my personal property and ruin it for others who have as much right to use it in peace as I do?” Hmmmm. Sorry to say that when drinking is involved, the answers to these questions are pretty predictable. New Rochelle could be wonderful again if the entire community acted with civility and respect towards each other instead of a roster of “interests groups” shrieking that their treatment by another group must be motivated by ingrained prejudice. The old New Rochelle wasn’t just better because it had a tax base. The problems are much deeper than that.
      Just my opinion.

      1. Warrior Princess
        I agree with you 100%.

        People should act properly at all times, especially, in public.

        Your article is right on target! Could not have said it better myself.

    2. Good question.
      I just moved

      Good question.

      I just moved here from NYC and had no idea what kind of place this really is.

      People from an older generation speak well of this town but I’m finding that there seems to be a kind of new phase this place must be experiencing because it’s basically as rowdy and uncivilized as South Central Los Angeles. I just can’t believe it: Since moving here a month ago, I’ve made a tourniquet for a guy who severed an artery in his forearm during a night fight while essentially bathing in his blood and holding his arm together until the ambulance arrived; I’ve broken up two fights over parking spots in my apartment complex’s parking lot; and I’ve been harassed by drunken teenage thugs.

      This place is a zoo. The culture here is less dignified than East Harlem on a rough day. I’ve never seen this degree and frequency of ghetto behavior–and I’m a native Manhattanite.

      1. dearalexandra, I hope you’re renting…
        and didn’t buy.

        If the latter, I’m sorry. If the former, get out.

        The older New Rochelle folks speak well because they’re living in 1950 New Rochelle and they, like I, knew New Rochelle when. They stupidly think the sewer that is now New Rochelle can be restored to the Queen City of the Sound. It can’t, and it won’t.

        You are living in New Roc. Again, if you can, get out.

        I did years and years ago, and made the right decision.

  2. It’s very sad how police can
    It’s very sad how police can cover up their mistakes! I happen to be at the park that day and witnessed everything! There was never a fight, thos individuals dint even have any loud music and a ” RIOT” how ridiculous!!! Such a shame!!! Makes you wonder if you can’t trust the police then who can you trust!!! Hey at least all westchester county police, new Rochelle police, mount Vernon police and every other cop that was their had a great hangout!!! If that makes it any better!!!

  3. All BS
    First of all to Ralph M and Tom J., I hope you know what they say about people that assume! Second: I was there while this happened and everything the police has said is all BS!! There is video of all this showing none of what has been said is true. Its really easy to assume and say things just because you are racist against hispanics!!

    1. Really
      I am Hispanic,does that still make me a racist? Or are you just some cop hater? Maybe you were part of this disturbance and trying to deflect?

    2. Statistics and politics
      I’ll keep this short. What did I say that was racist or assuming? That I’d be amazed if they were documented. Lets analyze this. New Rochelle has always been a sanctuary city. That means we have an extremely large population of undocumented or illegals living here, some estimate the majority are illegal. If such a large percentage of illegals reside in New Rochelle is it wrong to assume or be amazed if 3 are arrested at least 2 would be illegal? Is it racist to use statistics in analysis? Insurance companies do it all the time. Being amazed that a couple of these guys are here illegally is not racist at all, it’s a statistical probability, and a good one. Now, if our legal system does its job we’ll all find out about their status, but being the sanctuary city we are, the judge won;t accept a guilty plea or they’d have to be deported, they’ll plea no contest and get a fine.

  4. the news overexaggerated
    I was a bystander and was there when this all happened. There was absoultely NO riot! The only shouting was people wondering what was going on in english and in spanish.

    1. Legal Riot not TV Riot
      The charge was made based on a legal definition of a riot not a thousand people throwing punches in the street.

      riot, in criminal law, a violent offense against public order involving three or more people. Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose. In contrast to an unlawful assembly, however, a riot involves violence.

      1. Glen Island Park
        I hope that your definition has not fallen on deaf ears, however, when you have no fear of breaking the Law, well, that’s a big problem!

        New Rochelle has had it!

      1. Tom
        Only ignorant and very uptight people would make comments like this. The article has no mention or comment about anything you just spewed out. Move away!

      2. Very ignorant and insensitive comments..
        I believe their comments were over the top and spiteful jabs at people trying to better their lives.. It’s one thing to have different political beliefs, but the personal hatred needs to end. I stand with you Martin Sanchez..

      3. ????
        “jabs at people trying to better their lives”
        If the charges are true, I don’t think these guys are trying to better their lives. Apparently, some of the people posting here were there, and one claims he has video. I assume they will step forward to prove the innocence of these men. Questioning their status is no more spiteful as Obama claiming there are undocumented aliens in this country.

      4. yeah me too
        If trhey were three Italian guys speaking in english and italian we wouldn’t even comment. Maybe three irish guys in english and gaelic and we wouldn’t even understand.

        Let it rest. matin and old timer are right. too much race baiting and accusations. hard to find many people who are otherwise nowadays.

        especially sensitive i guess because old timer and I belong to the new hated group, old white men or OWM as i call us….. you think the guys in the park are bad? watch the view and listen to the yentas on their white men or old white men comments.

        OWM need lots of love too.

      5. Somebody had to say it.
        might not be politically correct but i’m with you.I’d bet they are’nt here legally.

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