Trash Compactor Fire at 51 Winthrop in New Rochelle Causes Evacuation as Smoke Fills Building

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

There were no injuries after at apartment building at 51 Winthrop Avenue in New Rochelle, NY was evacuated due to heavy smoke caused by a fire in the trash chute leading to the trash compactor in the building.

The New Rochelle Fire Department was called to the scene shortly after 3:00 p.m.

“Someone lit something on fire and dropped it down the chute”,” said NRFD Captain Andy Sandor. “When we rolled up there was heavy smoke on the roof”.

Sandor said the fire was in the trash chute between the first floor and the basement.

“It was tough to get at. “In cases like these we bring an old-fashioned ball and chain to the top and drop it straight down from the roof to the basement. It knocks what every is burning down and then we put water on it.”

Smoke spread throughout the entire building. There were reports of smoke all the way up to the 5th and 6th floor.

“We had alarms, people self-evacuated, there were no injuries,” said Sandor, adding “Smoke is deadly…the smoke is what gets people”.

One thought on “Trash Compactor Fire at 51 Winthrop in New Rochelle Causes Evacuation as Smoke Fills Building”

  1. Why?
    I was caught in the traffic from this fire and wandered by.It looked tough,the guys were really working hard and wearing that awkward gear and practically killing themselves running around but one thing that I noticed and are in your slideshow is why was there so many guys in white shirts just standing there when there didnt seem to be enough guys to do the job?These looked like higher ups and they did nothing but watch.Maybe there would’nt be lay offs and man power problems if these guys would work.Maybe less chiefs and more indians.Anyway, to the guys that were working,great job.It looked tough and we appreciate your efforts. To the other guys,get to work,what are we paying you for?

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