Have Your Say About Transportation In Westchester

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Fed up with traffic congestion? Have ideas on improving suburban travel?

Come to a workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Westchester County Center to discuss these and other Westchester transportation issues and concerns.

The workshop will be conducted by staff of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, the region’s coordinating umbrella group for transportation issues, programs and funding.

There will be presentations at 4:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on transportation issues facing Westchester. There will be small group discussions about various modes of transportation, including mass transit, walking and bicycling.

The comments and suggestions made at this meeting will be used to update a formal blueprint, the Regional Transportation Plan, for transportation in the New York metropolitan region spanning the timeframe from 2015-2040. The plan is updated every four years as required by state and federal regulations.

The next update is expected to be completed by October of 2013.

In addition to the public meeting, comments can be provided through NYMTC’s interactive Web site: http://ideas.nymtc-rtp.org.

More information is also available at www.NYMTC-RTP.org.