Community Members, Elected Officials Join Cohen To Protest Blatant Misinformation Being Issued By Latimer Campaign

Written By: Talk of the Sound News



CONTACT: Jessica Proud (914) 438-5325


Westchester, NY-October 5, 2012…Local Westchester elected officials and community members joined businessman and state senate candidate Bob Cohen (R-C-I) to protest the blatant misinformation being issued by rival senate candidate George Latimer (D-WFP) in front of the Harrison Town Hall today.

Mr. Latimer and his supporters have sent mailings and made phone calls to Westchester voters that are grossly erroneous about his own record and Mr. Cohen’s positions. Mr. Cohen’s campaign pointed out one-by-one the misleading information that Mr. Latimer is perpetuating about his record:

–> Mr. Latimer’s mailer claims that he supports Governor Cuomo’s property tax cap, yet he voted against it;

–> Mr. Latimer says he is in favor of property tax relief, yet he has voted to raise property taxes 46% over the course of his career, making him the worst legislator on property taxes to be running for office in Westchester this year;

–> Mr. Latimer claims credit for repealing the MTA payroll tax–a tax he voted to create;

–> Mr. Latimer’s mailer said he supports mandate relief, yet he ducked out of the chamber during a vote on the first mandate relief bill to come before the legislature that will save taxpayers $80 billion over 30 years;

–> Mr. Latimer and his supporters are sending mail and making phone calls telling voters Mr. Cohen is anti-choice when Mr. Cohen’s well-documented position is pro-choice, and

–> Mr. Latimer just sent a campaign mailer to Westchester voters viciously calling Mr. Cohen, a “slumlord,” which is reminiscent of unfounded smear tactics tried against Mr. Cohen two years ago. Those attacks on Mr. Cohen, a long time community volunteer and volunteer firefighter in Westchester, were deemed a violation of fair campaign practices in 2010.

“Mr. Latimer should be ashamed of his conduct,” said Cohen spokeswoman Jessica Proud. “We cannot stand by silently while he perpetuates a misleading campaign full of untruths about his own record and Mr. Cohen’s. The voters of Westchester deserve an honest and substantive campaign on the issues. We understand why Mr. Latimer would want to hide the fact that he raised taxes property taxes 46% while in office, but his record speaks for itself and no amount of misleading campaign tactics can change it.”

Please feel free to contact Bob Cohen at:

Phone: (914) 682-4262


Check out Bob’s website:

You can also find Bob on Facebook & Twitter!

3 thoughts on “Community Members, Elected Officials Join Cohen To Protest Blatant Misinformation Being Issued By Latimer Campaign”

  1. Latimer is done
    Latimer is imploding. I must admit that this taxpayer is kind of enjoying it. I have been furious with this guy since he pushed Ron Tocci out of office, misled us during the campaign, and then voted right away to lift our property tax cap. The New Rochelle voters owe this guy a strong message of rebuke next month.

    1. For the record, Latimer
      For the record, Latimer didn’t push Tocci out of office. Tocci was offered a job by Pataki and he decided to take it rather than run for re-election.

      1. Latimer = Backstabber
        Actually John, we were there and very involved. Some of it was inside baseball. But make no mistake about it, Latimer pushed Tocci out of office.

        What Latimer did was set up a group of Democrat leaders on Sound Shore to call for “drafting of George Latimer” for Assembly back in 2004 and they were actually in the middle of it. It even made the press. Latimer manipulated the whole thing. And what is so incredible about this and shows what a massive backstabber Latimer really is – Ron Tocci supported Latimer is every race he ever had. When Latimer ran for Lt. Gov. (which was a joke), Ron even publicly supported him for that. Yet Latimer still screwed Ron over, and there is a long list of others that Latimer has screwed in politics.

        Just ask Ron if you want the whole story. You are correct that Ron decided, while this was all going on, that it was better to just accept the offer from Gov Pataki, his old friend, and continue helping out veterans in that way.

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