Winner of the Mayor Bramson’s Green New Rochelle Beauty Contest

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


Pictured here are just a few of the 1,848 working fixtures removed from by Mayor Bramson in order to spend over $1 million of taxpayer money to burnish his resume by adding LED lighting to the Transit Center and New Roc City Garage.

The lights the Mayor has discarded had a useable life of more than 20 years. They were installed a few years ago when the Transit Center was built and before that when New Roc City was built. They cost a couple million dollars and were supposed to last 20-30 years. The Mayor has now deemed them worthless and is sending them to a landfill.


All so Mayor Bramson can hold a press conference to say how “green” New Rochelle is under his watch while ignoring that over 1,800 functioning light fixtures with two decades of useful life left are on the way to a landfill.

Not very green to me.

So, why are they on their way to the landfill after such a short time?

Read the Story of the Fashion Show for the Press and why it is not as Green as it appears to the tax payers.

Read the story of why the City of New Rochelle did not do the Homework and why we overpaid for the concept and contract to Green our Parking Structures.

4 thoughts on “Winner of the Mayor Bramson’s Green New Rochelle Beauty Contest”

  1. I am no expert on how to deal
    I am no expert on how to deal with these kinds of energy related investments, however one should never consider something trash just because oneself has moved on to something else.

    Clearly these light fixtures hold tremendous value and should not be disposed off, or worse even paying money to discard them through disposal fees.

    If we cannot re-use them in a different application, which should always be the preferred way, we should try to sell them, or at the very least recycle them. They are glass and metal, fully recyclable.

    1. The Transit Center was paid
      The Transit Center was paid for with money obtained for New Rochelle by Nita Lowey in US Congress.
      Noam Bramson writes speaches for her and they have a relationship that would be deemed good for New Rochelle. However when you toss out money given to you by Congress it is still money paid for by the tax payer. The New Roc fixtures where bought and paid for by New Rochelle. Both of these projects had usable life in them.
      The Return on investment for Mayor Bramsons new LED lighting is so far off in a distance when you factor in the original costs of these fixtures and the life left in them that it is clearly irresponsible.
      You won’t get that from the Mayor he prefers you only look at this from one side which is ” I am Mayor Bramson and I am green.”
      20 years from now new lighting would probably be very green when the fixtures have served out the purpose of the original intended use. If you buy the propoganda that the Mayor portrays you only get one side of the story. The City Council should be very angry that they were manipulated by the Mayor.

    2. Light Fixtures
      The lights should be put around the Armory, this way people will think twice before they jump the fence and do more damage to this structure.

      If you look at the presentation made by the mayor, you will see our overpaid sustainability coordinator, I ask what does she do for her pay check.

  2. Transit Center
    JUst went by there and the place looks dark. Why must the city throw these lights out why not use them in church division garage.Ken great story and you are so wright on this subject

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