Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Bob Cohen For State Senate

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Independent New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today endorsed businessman and state senate candidate Bob Cohen (R-C-I) in his race for New York’s open 37th state senate district in Westchester County.

Mayor Bloomberg cited Mr. Cohen’s independence and his unwavering commitment to property tax relief and pro-job-growth policies as chief reasons for his endorsement.

“Westchester voters who want property tax relief, mandate reform, and pro-job-growth policies in Albany have a superb candidate for state senate this year in Bob Cohen,” Mayor Bloomberg said. “Bob Cohen is an independent thinking businessman with the guts to stick up for Westchester taxpayers, and to say ‘no’ to the special interests and party bosses. Bob Cohen has my support in his race for state senate, and I ask that you give him yours as well.”

“I’m honored to receive Mayor Bloomberg’s support in this race,” Mr. Cohen said. “Mayor Bloomberg has shown that good government and common sense can succeed in an era where partisan gridlock has become the norm. I plan to bring that same independent leadership style with me to Albany on behalf of Westchester County taxpayers. And like Mayor Bloomberg, I will bring a principled, business-like approach to solving our state’s fiscal problems, lowering property taxes and getting New Yorkers back to work.”

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One thought on “Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Bob Cohen For State Senate”

  1. Great News
    This will be very helpful Bob Cohen. I think he has momentum and is heading for victory. Thank goodness – Latimer is a lousy assemblyman and I am still shocked anyone is supporting him for senate.

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