New Rochelle Schools Electrician Pleads Guilty to Sex Charge Involving a Minor

Written By: Robert Cox

Patrick clark

Patrick Clark, 42, of 50 Highland Avenue, New Rochelle, New York pled guilty to Attempted Disseminating Indecent Material to Minors in the First Degree, a class “E” Felony, on October 16th before Judge Susan Cacace in Westchester County Court in White Plains, NY.

The case was adjourned to January 15, 2013 for sentence. Clark faces a maximum sentence of four years in state prison.

Assistant District Attorney Toni Ann Gagliardi of the Investigations Division prosecuted the case.

Clark was working as an electrician in the Buildings & Grounds department for the New Rochelle Board of Education where he was arrested by the Westchester County DA’s office for proposing various sexual acts he would like to engage in with what he believed to be a 15-year old girl. The “girl” was an undercover Criminal Investigator working for the Westchester County District Attorney.

Patrick J. Clark was hired April 1st, 2005. As of March 31, 2011 his salary was $87,213,

Clark was the fourth school district employee arrested since 2009. Jose Martinez was arrested in 2011 on charges related to repeatedly raping a student at Isaac E. Young Middle School. Dianna Wessel was arrested in 2010 after refusing to take a breathalyzer and drug test after crashing her vehicle into three parked vehicles and then flipping her own vehicle. Vito Costa was arrested in 2009 in charges related to working a no-show job in the Buildings & Grounds department. In 2011, there was an arrest of another Buildings & Grounds employee (not fully reported out at this time but coming soon to Talk of the Sound). In 2012, Nancy Moreno, a Teaching Assistant at Isaac E. Young Middle School was arrested for assault with a weapon.

Clark is just the latest in a series of district employees alleged to have engaged in various sex crimes involving students and district employees: Anthony Newman (Glazier, Buildings & Grounds Department) sexually assaulted a district employee in City Hall. Donna Henry (Security Guard) transmitted a nude image of a 14-year old girl to two other district employees (her son and her daughter-in-law). Suspended for 30 days with pay, hearing, given a pay increase and relocated to New Rochelle High School.

According to a statement released by the DA’s office, between April 5th, 2012 and May 8th, 2012, an investigator from the Westchester County District Attorneys office, while acting in an undercover capacity, assumed the “role” of a fifteen year old female and engaged in a series of “chat” conversations with the defendant via an internet chat room.

The undercover made it clear to defendant that “she” was a fifteen years old girl. The defendant discussed specific sexual acts, in which he would like to engage with the “15 year old girl” including digital penetration, oral sex and sexual intercourse.

Several other school employees were referred by the New Rochelle Board of Education to the Westchester County District Attorney Sex Crimes unit. Leroy Manuel (Security Guard) engaged in a sexual relationship with a student, as a result of which she became pregnant, moved to Florida and had the baby, sources say. Robert McLean (Security Guard) engaged in sex with students. Kyle Figueroa (Security Guard) engaged in sex with students. After the Jose Martinez arrest, Figueroa was caught on camera receiving oral sex from a student in area of Room 105/106. Walter Hubbard (Janitor) was terminated after being caught multiple times viewing pornography on school district computers. Also, engaged in sex with students.

Jerome Planter (Security Guard) and Geeta Singh (Security Guard) submitted falsified residency records to New Rochelle Civil Service Commission to obtain a position with New Rochelle residency requirement.

Frank DeMasi (Carpenter/Buildings & Grounds) misappropriated school equipment, converting school van and tools for personal use. Kareem Ali (Finance/Special Education) sexually harassed a senior official in the finance department; prohibited from having direct contact with the woman and not allowed to walk past a certain point in the hallway on the second floor. Ali resurfaced again when the New Rochelle Public Library discovered $300,000 unaccounted for in 2011. He has since been reassigned to Special Education department. Danielle Carter (Security Guard ) caught stealing at ShopRite grocery store on Palmer Avenue while wearing her City School District of New Rochelle security uniform. Rasool Hassan Williams (Buildings & Grounds) murdered a man in Ohio. Williams was a repeat offender for many years, drug use, drug possession. Arrested while employed by the district. Arrested for murder in Ohio three weeks after leaving employment of New Rochelle school district, convicted, sentenced to life in prison. Len Ricci (Buildings & Grounds) hired despite felony drug arrest. Phil Carino (Janitor) hung stuffed monkey on a noose, district settled lawsuit for racist behavior. Freddie Smith (Assistant Superintendent of Schools) numerous allegations of plagiarism, Doctorate revoked by University of Virginia, Fired at his next two jobs as these issues became known. Martin Freiman (Janitor): Suspended for making racist statements to children and staff at Jefferson Elementary School, long history of similar incidents. Jimmy Bonanno, Sr. (Buildings & Grounds) misappropriated school equipment and staff; directed school district employees to perform work on his girlfriend’s house in Orange County.

One thought on “New Rochelle Schools Electrician Pleads Guilty to Sex Charge Involving a Minor”

  1. Ah yes…
    WE the taxpayers now have to not only wait until January 2013 to lock this pig up … but then pay for him with our tax money to hold him in prison for years!!!!

    Where is the quarry? Send him there in a big rock pile with a one inch hammer!

    Those are the kinds of prison’s we should have, not the one’s with a TV, Rec. Room etc…

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