New Rochelle Parks Worker Busted On The Job With Heroin, Oxycotin and Urine After Crashing City Vehicle

Written By: Robert Cox

Bjorkman photo

Keith Neal Bjorkman, 33, of 184 Harding in New Rochelle, NY was arrested by New Rochelle police on October 2, 2012. Bjorkman, a worker for the City of New Rochelle Department of Parks and Recreation, was charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance-7th, a misdemeanor, and Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle-3rd, also a misdemeanor. He was released the same day on $250 cash bail and given a return date of October 16, 2012. His next court date is October 30, 2012.

Bjorkman crashed a city vehicle, a 2008 White Hino Dump Truck, into a light pole at Lincoln Park. Police responded to the scene. A search of the vehicle turned up a bag inside of which police found glassine envelopes containing a white powder, pills and a container holding a yellow liquid.

Investigative and auto accident reports are not available due to the pending prosecution but sources tell Talk of the Sound that the white powder later tested positive for heroin, the pills were oxycotin and the liquid was urine. Bjorkman had crashed city vehicles in the past and was subject to random drug screening, sources say, which may explain Bjorkman having urine in his possession..

Bjorkman was suspended for 30 days with pay pending an internal hearing which typically serves as a prelude to termination in such cases.

UPDATE: Per our contract with Local 663 Union and under our formal disciplinary process, Mr. Bjorkman was placed on a thirty day suspension without pay pending receipt of formal written charges, wherein he will have eight days to respond or be terminated from City employment.

22 thoughts on “New Rochelle Parks Worker Busted On The Job With Heroin, Oxycotin and Urine After Crashing City Vehicle”

  1. no one can make this stuff up!!
    Every day I look on the talk of sound to see what else the city has f___k up. Why dose the City of NR has such low lives as employees? I do know that it is very hard to get a job in the City, its all who you know and everyone know that too.

  2. where is your information coming from????
    You obviously feel the need to respond to my comment, however, you are beating around the bush. Answer the question!!! You’re a journalist, explain where you received this information???????

    where did you get that information cox?

    1. can you read?
      If so you can should be able to make out that the photo used in this story is an NRPD photo and indicated as such. My article is based on police records and sources with knowledge of the matter speaking on background.

      I am not “beating around the bush”. I am mocking you because you are an idiot and deserve to be mocked.

      Now, as you have made all sorts of allegations and challenges, lets see if you care to back those up.

      I do not normally publish the records I obtained for preparing a story. There is no plot here, it is not standard practice for any media outlet to publish arrest reports, supplemental narratives, or other documents related to an arrest, conviction or sentencing. However, if you want to go from being anonymous to publicly standing behind your words I will publish the police records obtained prior to reporting on this case.

      Your move, dopey.

      1. I personally love that you
        I personally love that you post all this – THANK YOU BOB COX for opening our eyes and for giving us a medium to voice our opinions good or bad on the matters at hand. I think it is funny how all these people that are abusing the system and/ or have gotten arrested are “all really great people”. funny must be bfs/gfs and lovers writing how great they are…i can’t imagine a mother being proud her junky son was arrested after crashing a work vehicle ringing in. I was born and raised in this city, 50 odd years at this point – I have yet to be arrested for anything let alone a traffic accident, never has my car been searched at an accident or otherwise and i have never driven around with a shower curtain rode (ready for battle) or with a urine sample in my car (when a urine sample is taken isn’t it done at the place requested -is it even his urine?) It amazes me that all these slugs seem to somehow find their way to the city of New Rochelle and obtain jobs..

      2. Ahem, cough………..
        “It amazes me that all these slugs seem to somehow find their way to the city of New Rochelle and obtain jobs..”

        ahem, Idoni II.

      3. Anything else?
        Your call yourself a journalist, Cox? The intelligent use of the term “idiot” must mean you have some great, inspiring stories to share with the rest of the universe. That was sarcasm, by the way. I am also being very sarcastic when saying you must have made it to the big leagues by all the interesting work you do. You must be real proud of yourself. Sarcasm.

  3. New Rochelle seems to have a
    New Rochelle seems to have a very relaxed hiring policy firing away on all cylinders.
    Who is responsible for verification of applicants.
    Is there a market for clean Urine being sold to New Rochelle employees who use drugs so they can pass drug tests.
    Why does this never rise to a level where City Hall gets cleaned out because I have to hang this on Strome he is where the buck needs to stop.
    I think the City of New Rochelle has an incestuous problem that is only being addressed on Talk of the Sound while Strome with help of his Commissioners Sweep this kind of filth under the rug. I think
    Commissioner Carol has an obligation to bring this to the City Manager as all of this improper hiring is causing him man power hours that could be used elsewhere in the City..

  4. hey you cox…
    For starters, the city of new rochelle has denied releasing Mr. Bjorkman’s photo and arrest report so i would like to know how you guys obtained it?

    Mr Cox… Where did you obtain this information because I personally called the NR Poilce Dept. and they told me and I quote “we do not release any information on the case and did not release the photo” you have on your home page.

    Mr. Cox, the bottom line is that the facts you have used in your article are false and were not given to you by the NRPD. You have no documented sources so i ASK YOU MR COX. WHERE DID YOU GET THIS INFORMATION??? An unnamed source from Parks and Rec? You should really do better research because it seems like all you care about is getting hits on your pathetic website. Did you contact Mr. Bjorkman for his side of the story? Did you contact the NRPD for this information? If i was Mr. Bjorkman I would already have filled for deformation of character.

    Mr. Cox, not only am i given the right by the 1st amendment to say THE TRUTH, but if you only knew who i was and how much money I have donated to the NRPD and Police Foundation you speak to me with a little more respect.

    Where did you obtain this info?????????????
    You also have false information all throughout your article.

    Mr. Cox, why are you now defending Mr. Zimmerman??? I recall reading your story about Zimmerman going to the gym for 3 hours on city time. You also told him he should resign from the City. My point is that with all the garbage that goes on in NR you report a story with no credible sources.

    It seems that your information could only have come from inside of the parks and rec dept. So i wonder why the department would draw negative attention to themselves.

    Where are your sources??

    1. hey you pixel man
      “the city of new rochelle has denied releasing Mr. Bjorkman’s photo and arrest report so i would like to know how you guys obtained it?”

      The photo of Mr. Bjorkman was obtained by breaking into City Hall, decrypting the computer security system and then smuggling out the photo in a secret pocket in the lining of our agent’s trench coat.

      “Where did you obtain this information?”

      We hired a team of Vietnamese 5-year olds, lowered them into the dumpsters behind City hall and then had them piece together the police records from the shredded remains of the documents.

      “I personally called the NR Poilce Dept. and they told me and I quote “we do not release any information on the case and did not release the photo” you have on your home page.”

      The mug shot is a photo shopped version of Mr. Bjorkman from an image lifted from his Facebook page. It is not really a mug shot but rather a headshot cropped from a picture taken at his 30th birthday party.

      “The facts you have used in your article are false and were not given to you by the NRPD.”

      If the facts we used are false then they are not facts, right?

      “If i was Mr. Bjorkman I would already have filled for deformation of character.”

      How do we know you are not Mr. Bjorkman? If you are, please have your lawyer contact me right away so I can surrender myself to the property authorities!

      “not only am i given the right by the 1st amendment to say THE TRUTH, but if you only knew who i was and how much money I have donated to the NRPD and Police Foundation you speak to me with a little more respect.”

      Actually, based on a recent Supreme Court ruling in the Stolen Honor case, you have the First Amendment right to lie as well.

      “Why are you now defending Mr. Zimmerman?”

      I merely asked how his playing golf is a defense against charges of possession of a control substance?

      “with all the garbage that goes on in NR you report a story with no credible sources.”

      Don’t you know? Everyone in prison is innocent!

      “your information could only have come from inside of the parks and rec dept.”

      OK. You got me. I secretly met with Bill Zimmerman at midnight in a an abandoned building at the edge of the Nature Study Woods where he provided me copies of forged documents intended to discredit Mr. Bjorkman who was about to come forward with damaging photos of Zimmerman playing golf at the Wkyagyl Country Club last June.

      “Where are your sources??”

      My primary source is Mark Felt.

      === === === ===

      Now that I have answered all your questions and addressed your allegations perhaps you can return the favor. I am still struggling to understand your point. Is it that there is no mug shot of Mr. Bjorkman or that there is a mug shot but that I somehow stole it or obtained it illegally? Is that he was arrested and the charges are false or that he was not arrested? Is it that there are no records of his arrest or that I do not have such records or that I obtained the records unlawfully.

      Let me know.

      PS, you get the respect you deserve which is “none”. Here is why, if you publish comments anonymously then you do not get to claim credit for being someone or doing something. You are just a bunch of pixels on a screen and could be anyone. For this reason, your “if you knew who I was” statement rings a bit hollow. Other than that you make excellent points.

      1. If GiXXer would put his amazing computer skills…
        to some use, he could find Keith’s (prepare yourselves) photo on Facebook.

  5. this is a case of poor reporting nd a smear campaign!!!!
    i only hope as many people read this as have read this rediculous
    story… for starters these talk of the sound reporters are d-
    league and this is an example why they write for “the sound” and
    not the times. keith never had heroin or oxycontin yet its the
    headline of this article. also, every cdl license holder is subject
    to random testing, not because keith “crashed” the truck. you
    reporters should spend your worthless time investigating the
    illegal stuff that goes on inside nr city hall… and bill zimmerman
    gets paid 100k + yet i saw him playing in this years nr police
    foundation golf outing at wykgyl country club on the cities time.
    not to mention the countless employees who buy and sell drugs
    on the job. new rochelle city boses be aware, you are going down
    and all the dirt is about to thrown on you. sleep well.

    1. just post once
      and no use of ALL CAPS, OK?

      Otherwise you are welcome to post comments.

      That said, Mr. Bjorkman was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance and was found to have urine in a container. He has not being charged for that but I can imagine most readers can deduce why someone would take the unusual step of carrying around a jar or urine.

      Is the point of your comments that this article is fabricated? Or that the police report the article is based on are fabricated? Or that Mr. Bkorkman was framed and the drugs planted? Or that none of this ever happened?

      And how does Bill Zimmerman figure into exactly? What does Bill Zimmerman playing golf “on City time” or otherwise have to do with Mr. Bjorkman being arrested on drug charges?

      As for the illegal stuff that does in City Hall, I would suggest that we are the ONLY media outlet in the world that investigates and reports on City Hall.

      I can only figure you were sniffing some of your boyfriend’s dope before your began posting on this site.

      Have a nice day.

      1. are you kidding?
        I never once said that the drugs were planted or that anything was fabricated. I simply said that some of the information that was stated in the article was incorrect. So before making something public, you should get the story right.

        And as for your immature comment about sniffing dope that just proves to me how pathetic of a person you truly are because you do not know who I am and do not have any right to state something like that. But then again I guess that is your thing, to post false information on the internet hoping to get hits on your article.

      2. who is this?
        Are you GX? How many accounts do you have?

        If you can clarify which pseudonymous account you are using then I can respond.

      3. He’s got you there, GiXXer2007 …
        the PATCH is pathetic and the Journal News is…well, it’s the Journal News, ’nuff said.

        If not for TOTS, people would think downtown New Rochelle was Scarsdale.

        Now, if only the hallowed face of the ‘world saver’ would leave, it would be a pleasure to come here. Are there REALLY no other New Rochelle Voices articles to replace her sainted visage?

  6. bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!
    bill zimmerman and other city bosses get paid over 100k and they play golf during city time? this city is a joke and yet they raise taxes constantly… 8 million dollars a year on parking tickets are u serious?

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!
    bill zimmerman plays golf on the cities time!!!!

    1. cities time?
      I think you mean “City’s time”, right?

      If you are going to make a grammatical error try not to copy and paste it into the same comment twenty times. It makes it stand out more.

  7. OMG
    Here we go again…This City is a disaster and so are the people running it!!!!

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