New Rochelle City Council Denies Cabaret Permit, Omits Armory Proposal From Agenda

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Mayor Bramson had stated at the September City Council meeting that the official vote to designate a developer for the Armory would take place in October. But at the October 17 legislative meeting no vote was taken and a designation for a developer’s MOU was not on the agenda. City Manager, Chuck Strome, when asked said there was a possibility it would be on the agenda for the October 30 meeting when the Council will review a draft environmental impact statement by Forest City Residential on the City Yard which is adjacent to the Armory.
In September (see October 4, 2012 article in the Westchester Guardian) the five Democrats on City Council, led by Mayor Bramson in an advisory decision, had designated Good Profit, a farm to-table food market/ restaurant over the Save Our Armory Committee proposal for a cultural/performing arts center. Mayor Bramson has claimed each group had equal time since April to prepare their proposals and answer questions. However, Save Our Armory proponents had stated at the October Citizens to be heard that Good Profit had been in touch with City officials as early as January. Peter Parente, co-chairman of the Save Our Armory Committee, mentioned the possibility of a law suit by this Committee on WVOX the morning of the meeting.
At this same meeting at least one neighborhood was surprised to find out their efforts to stop a cabaret from being given a permit were not in vain. Mayor Bramson outlined two possible courses of action: Council could reject the application for a cabaret permit which would allow the applicant to reapply, or alternatively, could decide not to vote on the permit. The Mayor also requested an executive session before the vote was taken. After a lengthy executive session the Mayor asked for a vote to declare a negative declaration of environmental significance for Siete Ocho Siete’s cabaret permit. Several council members objected. Both Councilmen Ivar Hyden and Jared Rice were not satisfied with the parking plan. Councilman Barry Fertel felt the owners had acted in bad faith by operating as a cabaret when Siete Ocho Siete had no permit. He added the neighbors were concerned about the noise at night. Both the negative designation and permit were denied. Some residents have raised questions about why Mayor Bramson was willing to extend courtesies to these owners to resubmit their plans but he had said the decision must be made in a timely fashion on the Save Our Armory proposal and this Committee was denied any further time to refine their proposal. Do we have a clear picture of the policies the Mayor is following now?
This is the second time in a week that City Council members have not followed Mayor Bramson’s suggestions. At the previous Council meeting a proposal by Mayor Bramson to charge City employees to park in the City Hall parking lot had no support on Council. Does the lack of an agenda item on the Armory proposal suggest that City Council members may be weighing proposals more stringently?

7 thoughts on “New Rochelle City Council Denies Cabaret Permit, Omits Armory Proposal From Agenda”

  1. New Resident of New Rochelle
    I have not heard any “NOISE” pollution from 787. It all seemed very well organized.
    However, where were these same residents when the “strip-bars” were opened in the neighborhood?
    I thought I was moving to a family oriented neighborhood. In addition, there are “old timers” in the neighborhood whose children are using/selling drugs. After moving to New Rochelle, now I fear for the safety of my family.

    1. No noise from Nick and Co.? Are you sure?
      Which strip bars? Which old timers? No children of new timers selling drugs? YOU SURE?

      You fear for your family? Move out.

      It’s your only choice. The New Rochelle politicians don’t care and the citizens suffer from ennui.

      Get out. I did. Best thing I ever did.

      MIND you, my heart still belongs to New Rochelle, which is why I hate the politicians in New Rochelle who ruined the downtown thirty plus years ago, and always will.

      1. We would love to move
        We would love to move out…and we might. However, it is very costly and stability is important for growing children. So now I have to balance it out.
        Safety always first…But why can’t the politician DO WHAT IS RIGHT! Focus on other more safety-pressing issues.

        I’ve spoken with neighbors who told me they’ve been living there for about 25-30 years…whose children I have witnessed selling/using drugs.

      2. ProudMother…
        the politicians in New Rochelle have not been doing ‘what is right’ (of course you are correct in expecting your elected officials to do so) for the last 30+ years.

        My only advice: I don’t know if Mayor Idoni II can run again, but if he can and does, do NOT vote for him. If he can’t and endorses someone, do NOT vote for him/her.

        Other than that, I just wish you luck. As I’ve said ad nauseum, New Rochelle will always be in my heart, especially the downtown of the 1960s, but thanks to the politicians of the last 30+ years, it is now a sewer.

  2. Bramson is as crooked as they come
    When it smells like a rat and looks like a rat.. It’s usually a rat. New Rochelle needs to wake up and smell the roses. Don’t elect liberals to local government. They can’t help legalize gay marriage or marijuana. They’ll only spend your money and help their enablers. This town is in grave financial trouble if we don’t make a change.

    1. Too many rats stink up the
      Too many rats stink up the place making it impossible to smell the rose. We need to set up some rat traps.

      1. RE: Too many rats stink up the…
        Are you referring to the government officials? If so, I completely agree.

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