Professional Soul: Vera Check for Principal

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

If New Ro’s BOE would snap out of their political coma and quit scanning the galaxy for new Principles they wouldn’t be so oblivious to the most eligible candidate, Vera Cheek, who is sitting right in the District’s political sandbox.

The tragic magnitude of the Board to fumble around the celestial hierarchy for possible prospects puts a lid on the fruitless speculation that is available to New Ro’s tax-paying public. They lay a curtain of political blindness on the certified personnel that frightfully cripples New Ro’s educational process like a grounded parachute. And Vera Cheek is the comet-shooting professional that could rectify their neon-lit negligence.

Aside from Cheek being one of the few administrators that live in town her granite character is anchored-down by her self-conscious integrity and devotion.

Her mega-personality is expressed in every dialogic incident, event and school-related activity she engages in. Cheek’s social acuity just breaks-out of her emotional soul with a definitive grace. She is a radioactive resource for any facility she would be assigned to.