New Rochelle Explains Principal Selection Process

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — With four new principals to be appointed in the coming months — at Davis, Albert Leonard, Barnard and New Rochelle High School — there has been more than common interest in the process by which principals are selected.

It came up at Tuesday’s board meeting at Jefferson School.

Dr. Jeffrey Korostoff explained the process at the meeting and today provided a more formal, written explanation to Talk of the Sound.

A common selection process will be used in all four of the searches for new school principals. The steps are:

1) Public notice of openings is placed in the Sunday New York Times and on the BOCES on-line application service (OLAS) All applications must be submitted by April 5, 2013.

2) Review of application materials by Superintendent and Cabinet to identify applicants with the credentials, professional education and relevant experience to be continued in the search process.

3) Pre-screening interviews conducted by the Assistant to the Superintendent for Human Resources.

4) A group of candidates is presented to the site-based screening committee comprised of an administrator, school staff and parents/guardians. Oftentimes, community members and students (in a high school search) are also included. The administrator is recommended by our Administrative & Supervisory Association (A&S); representatives from the faculty are recommended by the Federation of United School Employees (FUSE); and the parent representative(s) are recommended by the school PTA. Committee members complete feedback sheets for each candidate at the conclusion of these interviews.

5) Candidates who are endorsed by the site-based committee are then interviewed by the Superintendent and Cabinet.

6) Finalist candidates are interviewed by the Board of Education in closed session.

7) The successful candidate is selected and enters into contract negotiations.