A Wasted Opportunity For True Leadership

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

People in a leadership position must lead.They must put partisan politics aside and work with the people on both sides of an issue for the good of the community they serve. This did not happen in New Rochelle in regards to the Gadson Flag issue. The Mayor and his Deomcratic Council members did not show leadership at all. They all had a opportunity to show leadership and to build a coalition with The veterans in New Rochelle, especially Mayor Bramson. Instead they chose to remain partisan and the entire community paid the price.

Mayor Bramson could have taken a serious look at the situation. He could have done his homework regarding the Gadson Flag before he gave the order to remove it from the Armory flagpole.If he had done his research as his City Manager did, Bramson would have realized that the Gadson Flag did not belong to any political party. He would have realized how sacred this flag was to the veterans, especially to Marines and Sailors throughout our country who have been fighting under it since the Revolutionary War. He could have realized that this issue could be an opporunity to rise above the political partisanship, but instead he chose to satisfy his liberal friends and because he did the City of New Rochelle was put on the wrong side of an embarrassing situation. This entire matter has become a big black eye for the people of New Rochelle.

Mayor Bramson has brought unnecessary negative attention to this city. Veterans everywhere in our country are learning of the city’s disrespect for those who serve and have served our country with honor. First, Bramson tried to turn one of New Rochelle’s most sacred historical sites, the Armory, into a fruit stand. Now he slaps veterans across the country in the face by ordering the removal of this histrical flag. To add insult to injury he calls this issue, nonsense. That was an insult to every member of our military who ever fought and died under this flag for America.

The Mayor, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to lead the County of Westchester should learn that the way to make friends and influence people does not include insulting and outraging every veteran, family member of a veteran and patriotic american in the county. The way to make friends and influence people is by showing true leadership and building coalitions. The Mayor had an opportunity to be seen as a leader, but instead he showed his true colors as nothing more than a partisan liberal who is only interested in pleasing his liberal friends. He is obviously not the leader that the people of Westchester deserve or for that matter, the people of New Rochelle deserve.

In this day and age,the people are calling out for true leadership. They are calling out for their elected officals to put partisan politics aside and to work with everyone on both sides of the issues to the benefit of us all. The Gadson flag issue, one that Mayor Bramson carelessly created himself, is a wasted opportinity for true leadership and coalition building. The veterans did not politicize this issue. They put up the Gadson Flag to honor those who have passed through the New Rochelle Armory in service to their country, period. The City Manager researched the Gadson Flag, determined it was not a political symbol, but rather a historical American flag, and then ordered that it remain at the Armory. Mayor Bramson rallied his Democratic Council members, over-rode the City Manager’s decision and ordered the Gadson Flag removed. He then order it to be confiscated from the veterans. This is a wasted opportunity for true leadership.

2 thoughts on “A Wasted Opportunity For True Leadership”

    Very will put!! This city is lacking leadership BIGTIME!! The City Manager did the right thing for the city as well as the NR VETS. I thank him for his leadership and those surrounding him should take from his example. I hope he does not take to much heat for doing the right thing. The Mayor will surely use him for a scapegoat and blame him for the negitivity(Black Eye) “It’s another fine mess you got us into” “I’m sorry Olly!!”
    All the Mayor had to do is give us a call to discuss the issue he had. But he never does the “right” thing, he’s always confrontational, like a dictator he leads (for lack of a better word) this city. Then he makes it a political thing. Politics are not welcomed here. There were all kinds of different people at the Retiring of Colors & Flag Raising Service. No one made it political. WE are AMERICANS. Get with the program Mayor Bramson, get with the program. Stop dividing this city. Go back to Harvard and get a Leadership Degree, Can you get that there? On the job training did nothing for you Mr Mayor.

    1. Have you been living in New Rochelle for the past 30+ years?
      “Get with the program Mayor Bramson, get with the program. Stop dividing this city.”

      Obviously not, if you can make such a statement.

      If you had, you would have known what Bramson and Idoni before him were.

      Then again, you’re in good company. There are many, many naive people on this site who think there is hope for New Rochelle.

      So sad. So pathetic.

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