It’s About We The People

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

What you are seeing regarding the Gadson Flag issue is a case of amnesia. Mayor Bramson and his Democratic Council members have all developed amnesia. They have devolped a problem that unfortunately is all too common amoung elected officals in America. Especially when the political registration is in their advantage. They forget all their speeches about serving all the people and working with everyone when they were first elected. They develop a false sense of power and begin to beleive they are above everyone else. Rather than serving the people, they begin to bully the people. Furthermore they develop a false sense of political security, thinking they can never be replaced by we the people. They become the poster children for term limits. The entire community soon begins to reap the negative results of the amnesia their elected officals have developed.

Other elected officials have made the same mistake that Bramson and his cohorts are making in New Rochelle. All Mayor Bramson and his Democratic Council members need to do is climb off their high horse long enough to take a good look around. Their fellow Democrats who were Mayor and Trustees in the Village of Pelham made the same mistake, they developed the same amnesia. Bramson even endorsed them in a local Pelham paper in March. Now they are out, fired and replaced. They thought they could never be voted out. They had the same voter registration advantage as Bramson and Democrats on Council have; the same false sense of security. They ran unopposed many times. Thought they were locked in and could do what ever they wanted. They thought they could unleash their senseless power trip on certain groups of people in the village. What could have possibly gone wrong for them? Amnesia, that’s what. They forgot they were there to serve the people. They forgot that the people gave them their power and the people could take it away. The people of Pelham; Democrats, Independants and Republicans alike, reminded them of that and woke them from their amnesia on election day.

The fist thing they all have forgotten is our country is not some dictaorship; this is America where government by the people and for the people is the rule of law. Where brave Americans have fought and died throughout our history for the freedom we all enjoy today. Furthermore, they began that fight for that freedom, under the Gadson Flag; America’s first flag. Many brave Americans continue to fight that battle today. Must be that they don’t teach American History or Current Events in Harvard, or maybe Mayor Bramson missed those two classes. He also missed the class on public relations.

What our veterans accomplished throughout our history is what makes us different from everyone else in the world. It’s why everyone else wants to come here for a better life. Our brave and selfless veterans faced conditions that other Americans can’t even imagine, many made the ultimate sacrifice and still do today. In Spite of all this, here comes Mayor Bramson and his Democratic Council members to take away the sacred symbol of that amazing sacrifice and history, that all veterans share; the Gadson Flag.

Mayor Bramson and his Democratic Council members got so caught up in their voter registration advantage that they mistakenly woke the sleeping giant. They picked a fight with the people who are most accustomed to battle and to winning. A group of brave Americans who will make sure they are the last ones standing when their patriotism is challenged. Now, thanks to Mayor Bramson and his Democratic council members, New Rochelle has once again become the city known for disrepecting America’s precious veterans. Mayor Bramson and the Democrats on Council have surely brought the Queen City of the Sound and America as a whole, down another peg in the eyes of many.

Every resident of New Rochelle who is proud to be an American, who has ever felt a sense of pride as they said the pledge of allegience, who has ever shed a tear while watching the news of another brave American lost in service to our country or who watched in disbelief and outrage as the towers came down on September 11th, must rise up and let their feelings be known at the City Council ‘Citizens to be Heard’ meeting this coming Tueday night. They must Demand that the New Rochelle City Council respectfully hands over the Gadson flag to the veterans and asks the veterans to return it to its rightful place at the New Rochelle Armory. Its not only a symbol of pride for veterans but for New Rochelle as well.

This entire issue is not only about the Gadson Flag. It’s about America, our history, and our rights as Americans being slowly stripped away by a handful headstrong elected officals who have their own liberal agenda for New Rochelle and America. It’s about our Constitutional rights, our First Amendment rights and about what we hold sacred and dear to us as Americans. It’s about our proud history in New Rochelle and the part that New Rochelle has played in America’s never-ending fight for for freedom.

If the amnesia that is affecting Mayor Bramson and his Democratic Council members is tolerated by the people of New Rochelle, that which is sacred to them as Americans will likely be next to go. We the people can no longer afford to turn a blind eye. We can no longer sit idle as a frog in the water unaware that it is being cooked. Mayor Bramson and the Democrats on Council need a wake-up call. Their, bullying ‘My Way or the Highway’ form of governance cannot be tolerated. This is not only and issue for the veterans. It’s not only about the Gadson Flag, it’s about we the people.

2 thoughts on “It’s About We The People”

    The citizens of New Rochelle should Take Back our city. The new title of this story should read it’s about me Mayor Bramson and Democratic Council. I always though bullying was against the law?

      It’s only against the law if regular citizens bully
      or if kids bully.

      If elected officials bully, it’s called making whoever doesn’t agree with their agenda miserable every chance they get. The only remedy is called Election Day. Until then, the vets will be made miserable, especially if their name is Peter Parente or Ron Tocci. They both make Bramson see red rats. Tocci defeated Bramson for state assembly and pete ran for council in district 3. Bramson and the democrats on council don’t like to be challenged in any way. When New Rochelleans gets sick of them, maybe things will change? Until then it will be open season on veterans.

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