NYC, under the leadership of Ron Gonen is going forward with the proposal of banning the use of Polystyrene in food service, particularly in schools. NYC is generating 180,000 Styrofoam trays EVERY SINGLE day.
That is is an amount,stacked neatly that would fill a regular size conference room every day. But, needless to say, the trays, once dumped are not neatly stacked.
New Rochelle has the same problem. We are generating around 8000 trays per day, 4 schools are now sorting their lunchroom waste and are stacking the trays, thus reducing their volume by 90%. However the other 6 schools are not doing that, generating vast mountains of garbage bags per day.
It is very short sighted to only be looking at the purchase cost of Styrofoam trays, without taking the upstream of the material itself, the environmentally disastrous downstream of the material, nor the total cost of garbage removal into consideration.