Cross Walk Needed Kings Hwy – Sycamore Park – Open Post to The CouncilPerson

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

I am posting here to find out who the Councilperson is for Kings Highway specifically Sycamore Park. Having spent the last 5 weekend at Sycamore Park for youth baseball games it strikes me as odd that there is no crosswalk on Kings Highway. With the number of children and parents crossing the street there each weekend it would seem to make sense. This post is not an outrage post but and observational one. Council person it would be a good idea to stop by one weekend and actually see the foot traffic crossing the street to get to the ball field. The kids crossing, yes with parents, are approximately 5 yrs old. Plus, the people crossing to get a Joeys HotDog too. This could be just for weekends

Take a look and let me know what you think. I already know what Briska would say and that would be NO! but this really is a safety as well as quality of life issue. Thanks

5 thoughts on “Cross Walk Needed Kings Hwy – Sycamore Park – Open Post to The CouncilPerson”

  1. Crosswalk Realist
    Eye on New Roc your idea may be the best. Yesterday I walked from Sycamore Street, where the traffic light is, to the entrance to Sycamore Park and it is
    280 strides (left right) apart. People in New Rochelle wont park 30 ft from a store front and walk and now everyone says walk to the light to cross and then walk back the 280 strides/feet/whatever with a 5 yr old and the rest of the siblings in tow. In the perfect world you are all right about walking to the light but in reality that never will happen. This is not me being lazy. Safety is paramount for me but the masses won’t change.

    Crosswalks may not be be the answer but the “Slow down” signs definitely should be put up. May be even one of those signs in the middle of the street. Should only take 6 weeks and 22,000 dollars

  2. Call City Mgr.
    The best person to call is the city mgr.914-654-2140 Chuck will get the city traffic engineer to look at the place in question. He is very good at doing these type things. The city council person is only going to refer it to the city mgr. anyway so you might as well call him instead.Even if they put up signs children in area etc etc something is better than nothing.

  3. I definitely understand the
    I definitely understand the safety issue at Sycamore Park. I think a crosswalk would present an even more dangerous situation because of where it would be located. Also, if I remember right, there are no legal parking spaces across from the park, so I’m not sure if the city would even consider a crosswalk.
    I hope you can find a solution. Until then, you may want to cross up the road near the traffic light.

  4. Crosswalk
    There is a red light about 100 feet away from the ball field that is a very safe place to cross. It may be an inconvenience for some people but a crosswalk at the field isn’t a great idea because the field is at a blind bend in the road

    1. Traffic Light
      Fair point but I still would lay out a cross walk by the light for the same reasons you mentioned before. People do whip around that corner and the blind spot. This way you can condition motorist and pedestrians.

      But I am sure New Rochelle wold tell us painting a box near the light would cost $30,000.

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