Daniel Webster Students are Celebrating Green Writing Contest

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

In May, 16 proud Daniel Webster students from 3rd, 4th and 5th grade were honored in a celebration for submitting wonderful and thought provoking essays and poems to a Green Writing Contest in honor of Nina Chin.

Nina Chin was a teacher, whose passion in life was teaching children about their role in this world. In her memory, the family is giving a grant of 10 times $500.00 to sponsor an annual Green Writing Contest. I was honored to be chosen to administer this grant.

All students in 3rd,4th and 5th grade were invited to participate and submit an essay or poem pertaining to the topic “I can make a difference”. 16 students participated with amazing insight and engagement.

3 independent judges chose the first and second place of each grade level and they were sharing with me, that they had a hard time deciding. These proud students were presented with a monetary gift in addition to the certificate of achievement that all students received. In front of proud parents, adoring 2nd graders and many members of Nina Chin’s family, the students read excerpts of their personal essay. It was a very moving affair and quite a few parents were clutching a tissue.

In addition a tree was donated to Webster school and a plaque is commissioned to be placed in front of the tree, displaying the names of the 16 proud participants.

This event is part of the larger program to bring sustainability, recycling and earth awareness to the district.