Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle Offers Opportunity For Super Bowl XLVIII Tickets

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NewImageNEW ROCHELLE, NY — The Super Bowl is coming to the New York/New Jersey area and two Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle supporters will be able to witness the historic event firsthand.

In an effort to raise both funds and awareness, the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle will host its Annual Online Auction from July 30th until September 5th 2013. During this timeframe, participants have the opportunity to bid on a bevy of items like Prime Time Emmy Awards tickets, golf at the Wykagyl Country Club, a Ritz-Carlton get-away, romantic hot air balloon ride, child’s deluxe birthday party and 2 tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII. Money raised from the online auction enables the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle to continue being the place where children’s success stories begin!

“The needs of the children we serve have increased dramatically and so has our organization’s need for funding,” says Quay Watkins, Executive Director for the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle. “The Annual Online Auction enables us to raise maximum revenue with minimal expenses.” “As a result we’re able to apply those critical dollars raised to high quality programs like Healthy Habits; Career Launch; Diplomas 2 Degrees; SMART Girls and Passport To Manhood.” “Funds generated also allow us to make necessary facility improvements and supports the Club’s general operating expenses.” My sincere hope is that everyone will visit us online at to either place a bid or simply share the website address with anyone that might be interested!”

The Annual Online Auction closes promptly at 8 pm on September 5th and winners will be notified immediately following. Certain auction items listed offer a “Buy Now” option for anyone interested in winning right away.

The Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the youth of the community. By providing a safe place to learn and grow, as well as life enhancing programs and character developing experiences; the club strives to enable all members, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. With locations throughout the city, the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle’s programs serves over 2,000 kids age 6-18 each year.

Anyone interested in bidding on an auction item can do so by visiting For more information about ways you can support the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle contact Rudy Breedy at (914) 235-3736 or email