Forest City Chosen To Renovate Nassau Coliseum

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Forest City Ratner has been chosen to renovate the Nassau Coliseum and will give Nassau County Millions of dollars a year in new revenues.The proposal has Zero expense for the taxpayer.
Forest City is the chosen developer for the New Rochelle Echo Bay property but unlike Nassau county New Rochelle taxpayers will foot the bill for Forest City to build 285 homes on the so called Echo Bay project.
New Rochelle taxpayers will have to pay to move the city yard and will give Forest City a 20 Year tax free deal on the land plus a bunch more perks.
Again New Rochelle officials giving away Millions in Taxpayer dollars to get what? It seems to me that Forest City has millions to give away in Nassau to get something done but in New Rochelle the City will give developers just about anything for nothing so certain city officials can try to move higher in office.