Citizens for a Better New Rochelle’s “No Echo Bay” Lawn Signs Aim to Show “Heads Count”

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


NEW ROCHELLE, NY — At the July 23rd public hearing on the Echo Bay Redevelopment plan speakers opposed to the current plan outnumbered supporters by a ratio of 10 to 1. Despite this massive turnout and opposition, Mayor Noam Bramson in closing the hearing made the following comment;

“[Democracy] is not about counting heads.”

Citizens for a Better New Rochelle (CBNR) believes it is vital to show the Mayor and City Council that heads do matter and that the community is overwhelmingly opposed to the current Echo Bay proposal. So from that one statement from the Mayor, CBNR decided to fund an initial run of signs to be placed at the homes of fellow citizens who opposed this poorly conceived and ill financed project.

Signs will be seen all across town on lawns of folks that have supported the mayor and current council members.

In just two days, we have given out nearly all the signs. With demand continuing at this pace, we will have to produce another run of signs. Once the mayor sees the signs all around town, he will realize that the opinions and ideas of his constituents do matter; that democracy is not about one man’s opinion–especially when that opinion is in overwhelming contrast to the will of the people.

CBNR is not against development, but as a diverse community from all corners of the political spectrum we cannot help but see this proposal being rammed down on New Rochelle will not benefit the city at large. Mayor Bramson and some members of the City Council are using scare tactics and financial gimmickry, aided by developer with a checkered past, to foist on ALL citizens of this city a development that will be a black eye for the community for generations to come.

For more information about CBNR and to see the facts behind the Echo Bay project, visit