New Rochelle Police were nearby when gun shots were heard by a officer near Horton Avenue and Brook street. A New Rochelle police officer asked for more units to respond to the area of the Lvmii Bar and Lounge located at 51 Horton Avenue after numerous people started to run from the area of the club. Police could not find any people shot and were canvassing the area.
This is the second time that gunshots have gone off in the area of this night club in the past two months. In late July a person was shot twice after being beaten by a group of people.
3 thoughts on “Shots Fired On Horton Avenue In New Rochelle Again”
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Protect your investments
New Rochelle needs to protect it’s investments. Whether it is downtown or the the heritage homes. If mindset/behavior is not changed the same old problems occur. You can open all the restaurants you want on Main St but if people safe they wont go. NR has to learn that perception is reality. Just go outside of New Ro and talk with residents from bordering towns and you find out quickly their perception of New Rochelle.
As a New Rochelle resident (former) it is apparent only New Rochellean’s love New Ro and even that feeling inside the city is starting to wane.
Horton Avenue. They are
Horton Avenue. They are tearing down the Hartley Houses over there and replacing them with two-story condos because this was suppose reduce crime in that area. People who live in two-story buildings are less likely to engage in criminal behavior than people who live in high rise buildings. I am not making this up. This was the stuff the city was told when it was considering replacing the Hartley Houses. Tax dollars at work!
I hope Noam is in the vicinity
With his intense stare he can bend steel and keep our streets safe. What happened to the safety camera’s that Jim Stowe requested for Horton Ave? It was discussed years ago and never picked up again. I already know the answer, no money. It all went to traffic calming