Election Day is next Tuesday, November 5th.
It is time for New Rochelleans to get off the bench and into the game and remind Noam Bramson once and for all that heads DO count.
Never has there been a better opportunity to finish off Noam Bramson’s political career then exists right now.
These closing days of the campaign are the time to act for those fed up with Noam Bramson’s condescending, arrogant, derisive dismissive style of leadership.
To borrow a phrase, if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you seek what I seek, then stand beside me over the next few days and we will give Noam Bramson a November 5th he will not soon forget.
The Astorino campaign has two main events going on this weekend in New Rochelle. If you have been complaining for Noam for years now is the time to translate those words into action.
1. Help Make Phone Calls to Remind Supporters to Get Out and Vote.
Friday 6 pm – 8 pm
546 North Avenue (next to AJ’s Burgers)
2. Election Day Operations Sign Up and Training
Saturday 12 pm – 2 pm
American Legion Post 8
112 North Avenue (across from Dunkin’ Donuts)
Poll Watcher Training (12:15 pm)
Lawn Signs (while they last)
Door Hanger Distribution
Walking Lists
Sign up to Tally Final Counts at Polling Places, Provide Rides to Polling Places, Pull Sheets from Polling Places
Questions: Call Richard at 914-355-9043 or email at newro4astrorino@gmail.com
3. Call and Email Every Voter You Know And Get Them To The Polls on Tuesday
We are very close to finishing Noam for good; now is the time to get on board.
UPDATE: There will be a Rally for Rob Astorino Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in Hawthorne, NY.
I will be there along with a lot of other folks you may know. If you want to go and need a ride please call Richard at 914-355-9043 or email at newro4astrorino@gmail.co and we will make arrangements for you. If you are going on your own please RSVP Lindsay@robastorino.com.
Please spread the word and bring your friends, families and neighbors as we rally down the stretch toward Victory.
The rally is at Broadway Field at Sherman Park on Route 141 in Hawthorne (GPS: Sherman Park, Hawthorne 10532). Right next to the Hawthorne Metro Station.
There will be bagels, donuts and coffee served and live entertainment.
Do Heads Count NOW Mr Bramson?
See you at CTBH