Bi-Partisan Coalition Puts Echo Bay Development, City Yard Move Put on Hold Until 2014

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — In a surprise move, a bi-partisan coalition of New Rochelle City Council Members voted Tuesday to table further discussion of a proposed development at Echo Bay and plans to move the Department of Public Works City Yard until January 2014.

Council Member Albert Tarantino (R-District 2) introduced a motion to hold off any discussions on Echo Bay and the related move of the DPW Yard to a proposed site on Beechwood Avenue until after the City Council had approved a 2014 Municipal Budget. Council Member Ivar Hyden (D-District 4) seconded the motion.

The Council voted 4-3 to adopt the measure with Council Member Louis Trangucci (R-District 1) and Council Member Shari Rackman (D-District 6) supporting the motion.

The vote was a stunning defeat for New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson, coming just a week after he was defeated in a landslide in the race for Westchester County Executive by incumbent Rob Astorino. Bramson lost 56-44 on a county wide basis and won New Rochelle narrowly, 53-47, after winning 79-21 in the 2011 Mayoral election.

The vote came just hours before a schedule rally on the steps of City Hall organized by the United Veterans Memorial & Patriotic Association of New Rochelle and the United Citizens for a Better New Rochelle.

UPDATE: Noam is seeking a re-vote. Lou walked out. Al accuses Noam of “waterboarding” Shari Rackman on “dinner break”. New motion by Noam passes after Shari Rackman switches position.


One thought on “Bi-Partisan Coalition Puts Echo Bay Development, City Yard Move Put on Hold Until 2014”

  1. Bramson Takes it on the chin 27 to 1 against Echo Bay
    Mayor Noam Bramson, still receiving life support for the gaping wounds suffered in the drubbing he received from the County Executive Rob Astorino took it on the chin again tonight as citizens from all across New Rochelle spoke out against Forest City’s proposal for Echo Bay. By my unofficial count, the speakers numbered 27 – 1 AGAINST the current proposal for Echo Bay. What was most apparent and uplifting was the number of new, first time speakers who felt strongly enough to take time out of their busy lives to remind the council that heads DO count. One first-time speaker summed it up best stating; Noam, I work in the field of finance, I voted for you as mayor, we discussed the Echo Bay project and I told you it stinks! By the way, I DIDN’T vote for you last week!

    In an unprecedented move, Councilman Albert Tarantino put forth a motion to table all discussion(s) and vote(s) on the Echo Bay project until January. Tarantino felt that the ominous budget scenario put forth by the city manager proposing a 6% property tax increase mandated the council’s undivided attention and that a project 20 years in the making could wait another month. A majority of council members agreed with Tarantino, namely; council members Trangucci, Hyden & Rackman. Bramson was stunned by this bipartisan defeat and threw his customary spoiled-brat-tirade before motioning for a mulligan. For those are not familiar with the golfing term “mulligan”, Bramson put forth a motion for a DO-OVER. His rational was that council members did not understand Tarantino’s motion. Bramson believes that he is the smartest person in the room and his fellow council members can’t understand the basic principles of parliamentary procedure. I guess Bramson majored in do-overs at Harvard because he was able to brow-beat, or as another council member put it “water-boarded” council member Rackman into reversing her vote.

    It now becomes evident that Bramson has much more invested than the measly tens of thousands in campaign contributions from Forest City. Bramson has nothing to show for his 17 years of council service, nothing that will bear his name when he moves on. Echo Bay is the only hope Bramson has to claim as his legacy.

    Tonight, New Rochelle residents delivered a message of Hope & Change to Mayor Bramson and the city council. The message is; we HOPE you realize that taxpayers can’t afford another 20-year tax abated project and if not, we will CHANGE our council representatives in 2015!

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