Statement from Assemblywoman Amy Paulin on Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

“Governor Cuomo laid out an extensive and comprehensive plan for what he hopes to accomplish, and I share his vision for what New York State can be. He has proposed an interesting program designed to bring property tax relief to New Yorkers. Considering I represent communities in Westchester County where residents pay some of the highest property taxes in the country, I am eager to explore how these initiatives will bring some relief to my constituents.

“I was also thrilled to hear how emphatic the governor was in his belief that the Women’s Equality Act gets passed. I authored the part of that bill to increase penalties for human trafficking. It’s time we start treating the young men and women who are enslaved, trafficked and abused as the victims. We need to hold the real people responsible for this heinous practice.

“As the State Energy Committee chair I was also pleased to hear about the Governor’s commitment to making sure that downstate has reliable power. Finally, Governor Cuomo spoke of medical marijuana and its benefits. The medical benefits that can be derived from marijuana are far too great to ignore any longer. There are so many people suffering from a variety of diseases where medical marijuana would make a huge difference in their quality of life.”