Despite Food Safety Concerns, Congress Votes to Allow Chicken Processed in China into New Rochelle’s Lunchrooms

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Despite concerns about the safety of food grown and processed in China, chicken can now be processed in China and sent back to this country for human consumption even though there will be no on-site USDA inspectors in Chinese processing facilities to ensure food safety.
Furthermore, Chinese-processed chicken does not have to bear “Country Of Origin Labeling,” which means that consumers will not know if they are purchasing or eating chicken processed in China.

To make matters worse, under USDA rules, Chinese-processed chicken can be used in the National School Lunch Program and other federal child nutrition programs, despite the fact that children are particularly vulnerable to food borne illnesses and dangerous chemicals.

A petition has been started to urge Congress to keep chicken from China out of our schools. Please sign and share if this concerns you. Thanks.