NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The City Council of New Rochelle will hold a series of hearings on Tuesday April 8th at 7:30 p.m. Citizens To Be Heard immediately follows the Public Hearings. The City Council COW Meeting will begin at 3:45 PM.
The Public Hearings include a Proposed Amendment to the Zoning for Motor Vehicle Dealerships, a Proposed Amendment for Separation & Preparation of Recyclables and a Proposed Change to Streets and Highways.
The first hearing will address a variety of new restrictions proposed for Motor Vehicle Dealerships, the second a plan to eliminate leaf pick up and a third to reduce the speed limit on Pinebrook Boulevard.
The first two hearings address subjects that have been previously discussed during City Council meetings, the third is a recommendation from staff to reduce the speed limit on Pinebrook Boulevard to 15 mph.
“There is no requirement to hold a Public Hearing on speed reductions on local roads,” said City Manager Chuck Strome. “But we felt the public should be afforded an opportunity to weigh in before the planned change goes into effect on May 1st.”
Strome explained that with the rough winters over the past few years it has become almost impossible to keep up with pothole repair on Pinebrook Boulevard, one of five primary roads in New Rochelle.
“There will be a one time expense for new speed limit signs on the north and south lanes of Pinebrook between Stratton Road and Beechmont Avenue,” said Strome. “But the total cost for new signs is less than repairing just one quarter mile stretch of Pinebrook Boulevard.”
Mayor Noam Bramson, who lives on Pinebrook Boulevard, declined to answer emails from Talk of the Sound but sources tell Talk of the Sound that Bramson pushed the initiative after his children were exposed to loud shouting and cursing as drivers bounced past his home near Forest Avenue.
The hearing on Motor Vehicle Dealerships comes as welcome news to East End residents who have long complained about intrusive practices of dealerships and their impact on residential neighborhoods. The zoning change is expected to pass.
It is less clear how the public will react to the proposed end of loose leaf pick up but Mayor Bramson has been a strong proponent of the plan as a cost-cutting measure and a way to encourage mulching.
Great Pranks
It was like the War of The Worlds radio show all over again.
Problem is Money
Yes, I figured out yesterday was April Fools and I did post originally as if it was true. When I went to modify Bob had closed the comments so I could not amend. Sad thing is for Noam Bramson is that there are thousands of people who do not think this is too far fetched for his kind of thinking. I am proud to say you got me Bob but the sad thing about this is our Mayor is not too far from this ridiculous.
Email Exchange with City Manager
Apr 2, 2014, at 9:59 AM, “Strome, Chuck” wrote:
Someone sent me your April fools story on public hearings next week. Our office received some emails and calls about the Pinebrook thing which was a joke, I suppose. Not sure if anyone commented on the site. Maybe you ought to let your readers know that it was a joke.
From: Robert Cox
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 10:14 AM
To: Strome, Chuck
Subject: Re:
It is my intention to do so
From: “Strome, Chuck”
Subject: RE:
Date: April 2, 2014 at 10:20:38 AM EDT
To: Robert Cox
Thank you.
Enjoyed hearing from readers yesterday…
I thought long and hard about an April Fool’s prank this year. Folks at City Hall were still a bit miffed about my 2011 joke:
“City of New Rochelle Offers One-Day Conditional Amnesty Program – Eliminates Fines and Interest on Back Taxes. Waves All Parking Fines and Building Permit Fees (”
Seems quite a few folks showed up looking to take advantage of this special one-day offer.
Having covered the school district and the Yankees, I thought it was time to circle back to City government. I considered many but I settled on the “15 mph speed limit on Pinebrook” story because it was relatively harmless and had a certain plausibility to it.
I heard from quite a few folks who got a laugh out of it — usually after railing against the stupidity of such a plan just for a bit. I gather there are still a few folks out there who still believe this plan is operative (no need to tell them it’s a joke; a little righteous indignation every now and then is good for the soul!)
Of the feedback I got, my favorite email yesterday was this one…
My favorite text and Tweet from yesterday was this one…
Got me good !
Haha Bob this was possibly the most believable April Fools joke EVER. Being a libertarian I think Government is absolutely horrible at maintaining roads so I couldn’t resist, knowing the geniuses we have in New Rochelle it doesn’t seem too far fetched. After all we are talking about the same people that brought us this!
Got Me!
Got Me,
I have to admit, I was one of those that contacted Chuck. I thought it was pretty absurd. Absurd yes, but the way things get done in New Rochelle, very plausible! With what we go through to attempt to get stuff done around here with many departments, I just took it at face value for a stupid request. A roadside farm stand at the end of a driveway on Pinebrook Boulevard was made to be removed because it was too dangerous, tag sales are OK though. Someone fought for Chicken Coops in the north end. I am still trying to figure out how a parking spot for a maintenance vehicle in front of The Huguenot Children’s Library on North Avenue takes two months. In the same area several years ago the city upgraded the North Avenue Street Scape and removed an existing Handi Cap Parking Sign next to Jack’s Friendship Garden and Playground, a park for children with disabilities that could use a Handicap parking spot more than the guy’s cleaning a library. After years of follow up and dancing with the traffic engineer I gave up. He insisted and claimed that a handi cap parking spot there was too dangerous.
There are more stories like this all around New Rochelle. That is why a request for 15 Miles on Pinebrook was not too far-fetched.Next year I will check my calendar.
Good One Bob!