Save the Date! This April 26th 2014, American Legion Post 8 is hosting their Annual Spring Break Party. Doors open at 7PM – Midnight. There will be incredible Live Music, Full Buffet, Beer, Wine, refreshments and Dancing. This fabulous event is open to the public, so come ready to Party and Support your Veterans. Located at 112 North Avenue, the American Legion Looks forward to kicking off the Spring Season with the best party in New Rochelle.
Don’t be late and Bring a Date! Admission is $40 for singles / Couples are $75 Any questions about the event, feel free to contact The Legion Hall at 914-907-4901 or 914-500-3174.
Saturday, April 26th, 7PM, Join the festivities and get ready to enjoy yourselves! The more the merrier, so spread the word!