NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The New York State Education Department’s new mandatory teacher evaluations were released Thursday and show that 94% of teachers earned a rating of effective or highly effective for the 2012-13 school year. Just 1% of teachers were rated “ineffective”.
The date does not include New York City schools.
Teachers and principals receive a single composite score based on a 100-point scale. The score will correspond to one of the following ratings bands: 91-100: Highly Effective 75-90: Effective 65-74: Developing 0-64: Ineffective.
Teachers are evaluated by City School District of New Rochelle administrators, such as principals, assistant principals, and department coordinators, who have been certified as Lead Teacher Evaluators. Principals are evaluated by assistant superintendents.
New Rochelle High School
Albert Leonard Middle School
Isaac E Young Middle School
Columbus Elementary School
Daniel Webster Elementary School
George M Davis Elementary School
Jefferson Elementary School
Trinity Elementary School
William B Ward Elementary School
Henry Barnard School
The names of individual teachers will not be made public by the New York State Education Department but parents can get their child’s teacher’s rating from the district under New York State Education Law 3012-c which provides that parents and legal guardians of a student may request the single composite score and rating for each teacher their student is assigned to for the current school year and for the principal of the school their student is currently attending.
§ 3012-c (10.b) Each school district and board of cooperative educational services shall fully disclose and release to the parents and legal guardians of a student the final quality rating and composite effectiveness score for each of the teachers and for the principal of the school building to which the student is assigned for the current school year upon the request of such parents and legal guardians. The governing body of each school district and board of cooperative educational services shall provide conspicuous notice to parents and legal guardians of the right to obtain such information. Parents and legal guardians may review and receive such data in any manner, including by phone or in person; shall receive an oral or written explanation of the composite effectiveness scoring ranges for final quality ratings; and be offered opportunities to understand such scores in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance. Reasonable efforts shall be made to verify that any such request is a bona fide request by a parent or guardian entitled to review and receive such data pursuant to this paragraph.
§ 3012-c (10.c) The department and each school district and board of cooperative educational services shall ensure that any release to the public of annual professional performance review data, or any other data that is used as a component of annual professional performance reviews, does not include personally identifying information for any teacher or principal, provided, however, that nothing shall impair the right of parents and legal guardians to review and receive the final quality rating and composite effectiveness score of individual teachers and principals as provided in paragraph b of this subdivision. Annual professional performance reviews of individual teachers and principals shall not be subject to disclosure pursuant to article six of the public officers law.
Requests may be made only by the parent or legal guardian of the student and may be submitted in person, by telephone, by email, or by mail to:
Joseph Williams
Assistant to the Superintendent for Human Resources
City School District of New Rochelle
515 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
Telephone: 914-576-4300
You can copy/paste this form into a letter or email sent to the District.
Parent/Legal Guardian Request
For Release of Annual Professional Performance Review Rating and Composite Score
I am the parent/legal guardian of _____________________________ who is attending ______________________.
(First & Last Name of Student) (School Name)
I am requesting the APPR composite score and rating for the following teacher(s) and/or principal (print names):
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
____________ ____ ________________________________________ __________________________
Today’s Date First & Last Name of Parent/Legal Guardian Daytime Telephone Number(s)
Information will only be provided for the teacher(s) who are providing instruction to your student this school year or for the principal of the school your child currently attends. Scores and ratings are available in the fall when they are finalized and submitted to NYSED.
There is no legal requirement with regards to what parents and legal guardians who receive teacher/principal scores can do with them. However, the school district is likely to pretend that the requirements that apply to the District with regard to so-called “privacy rights” extend to the parents or guardians which is not the case (as the law linked above makes clear).
Therefore, Talk of the Sound would strongly encourage parents/guardians to use the form above to request the APPR composite score and rating for the following teacher(s) and/or principal for each of your children attending school in the City School District of New Rochelle and then forward the information you obtain to robertcox@talkofthesound so that we can publish the results.