NEW ROCHELLE, NY — This article is Part VI in an Investigative Series by Talk of the Sound into apparent violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at New Rochelle schools. Part I of the series is here. The investigation covers exterior issues only. For a detailed explanation of terms and requirements you will want to read our Primer on Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act for Curb Ramps, Access Ramps and Parking Spaces
ADA Compliance Grades: Barnard Childhood Center:
Accessible Parking: F
Van-Accessible Parking: F
Curb Ramps: B
Access Ramps: D
Overall Grade: D
Barnard Childhood Center has one parking lot in the back of the school.
Barnard/Back Parking Lot
There are 54 parking spaces, 3 or 4 Accessible Parking Spaces, and 0 Van-Accessible Parking Spaces.
It is difficult to tell what the fourth Parking Space to the right is supposed to be — either a space or an unmarked Access Aisle. In any case, none of the Accessible Parking Spaces have any signage of any kind, there are no Access Aisles marked and all of the spaces are situated on a hill. It is not so obvious in the photograph but a person in a wheel chair would roll straight down to the curbed island in the middle of the parking lot.
Barnard Childhood Center has 9 Curb Ramps, the most of any school in the District. One is in the back of the school near the upper playground. It has a Gutter Slope of more than 5 degrees (6.9) and is thus not compliant. There are two Curb Ramps in front of the school auditorium at the front of the school. One of them is not compliant because it has a Gutter Slope of of more than 5 degrees (8.1). The remaining Curb Ramps are all compliant.
There are three exterior Access Ramps at Barnard (four if you count the one leading towards Amy’s Greenhouse), the most in the District.
The Access Ramp to the Upper Playground is complaint in terms of Slope and Intermedia Platform but there are no handrails.
The Access Ramp to the Lower Playground is not compliant at all — too steep, no handrails, not wide enough and so on. It needs to be completely replaced.
The Access Ramp at the Front Door of the school is too steep. The slope has to be less than 5 degrees. The top portion of the ramp is 6.7 degrees at the top. The bottom portion of the ramp is 8.8 degrees.
Talk of the Sound offered to meet with the District’s ADA/504 Coordinator to review these findings in advance of publication. That offer was declined.
NEXT: ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VII: Davis Elementary School
10-Part Series on Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act in New Rochelle Schools
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part I: Trinity Elementary School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part II: Jefferson Elementary School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part III: Columbus Elementary School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IV: Webster Elementary School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part V: Ward School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VI: Barnard Childhood Center
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VII: Davis Elementary School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VIII: Isaac E. Young Middle School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IX: Albert Leonard Middle School
ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part X: New Rochelle High School