One of the seven “Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother Education” is to “Stand in Solidarity with those Marginalized by Poverty and Injustice.” During a season in which we are certainly thankful for God’s many blessings, the Lower and Upper Schools are doing their part to share those blessings with the needy.
Students are asked to contribute items such as stuffing mix, Bisquick, canned vegetables, peanut butter, canned fruit, jelly, soup, cookies, cranberry sauce, crackers, canned juice, cereal (hot), applesauce, cereal (cold), rice, paper napkins, pasta, jars of baby food, pasta sauce, baby formula, canned tomatoes, disposable diapers, instant mashed potatoes and canned sweet potatoes. The Lower School is also collecting gloves, hats and scarves.
Students of both schools are asked to bring donated items to their individual homerooms by Tuesday, Nov. 25. Following their respective Thanksgiving Masses that day, during which the food and those who receive it will be blessed, the collected items will be brought to St. Mark’s and St. Charles Borromeo in Manhattan for distribution.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.