Seems every spring in New Rochelle we live with deeper and deeper canyons on PineBrook Blvd and just about any roadway in New Rochelle. Clearly par for the course in the northeast with freezing and thawing on salted asphalt roads. What isn’t par for the course is the rigmarole New Rochelle goes through to get the job done. Or to delay getting the job done whichever comes with less cost to the City.
Anyone traveling Pinebrook or Beechmont on a regular basis reaches a frustration level with City Management….
What I have found in the past is that when you contact the City Manager his initial response is DPW is working on getting the “plant” on line. And we plan on getting these fixed soon -or this is Con Edisons issue but we are doing all we can to get them out to do the repairs. Yet I keep doing giant slalom with my vehicles whenever I dare to venture out on New Rochelle roads. The more often I pass the same pothole the more I assign them names. A few of the really bad ones I named for Commisioner Tergis but the real moon craters I prefer to call those Bramson’s. Maybe I can start naming the little annoying potholes after my Councilman as the chatter on the wheels is about as annoying as he can be.
This fall while bagging up my leaves I sort of said well maybe this spring pothole repair will go quicker becaues the City has a nice 300,000 windfall in the coffers.
Clearly the DPW guys are the salt of the earth ( pun intended) and anyone who has ever seen these guy’s on the back of a Garbage Truck in 10 degree weather knows they are a great group of workers and they seem to get the job done. That said I wonder what the end game is with DPW Commisioner and with City Management as if my memory serves me they take way too long to get our roads back up to shape.
Why does this process start so late? Why does it go till almost summer to get the roads passable? May I suggest less talk about we are about to start and more doing and patching is in order. Also why does this have to be bid out for the larger jobs when you can do the bid on a as need basis at a price per square foot. I guess I am saying lets go already get it patched.
Over the last few years we have seen the City off load the cost of collection of leaves, cost of fire hydrants and we all live with that so call non taxable garbage line item on our tax bill.
I think we have a problem, the City forgets they have a few obligations to residents, tax payers and drivers under the present tax system. Maybe we will see a line item for expeditious pothole repair next on our tax bill.